Newsday Crossword Answers April 20 2023 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Thursday’s puzzle was created by Winston Emmons, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
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- Hindu melodyRAGA
- Ans.-machine recordingMSG
- Fast-movingRAPID
- Overthrows, sayERRS
- Baylor’s cityWACO
- PointlessINANE
- Skeptic’s commentYEAHRIGHT
- It’s not a noMAYBE
- Autumn month in MelbourneAPRIL
- Gaping mouthMAW
- Dear: Fr.CHER
- Skeptic’s commentHARDTOBELIEVE
- Soup with sushiMISO
- Bus systemLINE
- Cricket gearBATS
- Org. founded on Lincoln’s 100th birthdayNAACP
- Female squirrelDOE
- “That explains it”AHA
- Skeptic’s commentSAYSWHO
- Hear, as a caseTRY
- Not very brightDIM
- Carefree song syllablesTRALA
- How much to takeDOSE
- Miniseries episodePART
- Parks once honored by the 31 AcrossROSA
- Skeptic’s commentAREYOUKIDDING
- Ending meaning “merchandise”WARE
- AdministeredRAN
- Long section of an indexESSES
- OrnithologicalAVIAN
- Skeptical commentNOTLIKELY
- Swahili and English are its official languagesKENYA
- Little ladyGIRL
- “That explains it”ISEE
- VergesEDGES
- First boxer in the US Olympics Hall of FameALI
- Pond creatureNEWT
- Spanish kingREY
- Surveyor’s findingAREA
- Financial page diagramGRAPH
- Gurus’ homesASHRAMS
- Many a monthlyMAG
- Hapless oneSCHMO
- Did OK, gradewiseGOTAB
- Monocle partRIM
- Excedrin alternativeANACIN
- Take notice ofPAYHEEDTO
- Brewing giant that owns BudweiserINBEV
- Maker of golf course mowersDEERE
- Desolate regionWILDS
- Nickname for RihannaRIRI
- Laura Bush, née __WELCH
- Harding portrayed by Margot RobbieTONYA
- Slimming procedure, for shortLIPO
- SinisterBAD
- Sushi tunaAHI
- Monkeying (with)TAMPERING
- Gestural communication: Abbr.ASL
- Tangible honorAWARD
- Dr. show settingsORS
- Needle holeEYE
- Houston ballplayer, familiarlySTRO
- Pianist RubinsteinARTUR
- Women’s workout wear brandDANSKIN
- Nautical assentAYEAYE
- “Island of the Blue Dolphins” authorODELL
- Alejandra’s assentSISI
- Up and aboutAWAKE
- Spoke gushinglyRAVED
- Pooh palKANGA
- How sardines may be foundINOIL
- WaterfowlGEESE
- Big numberSLEW
- Ctr. for military pilotsNAS
- Dodeca- fractionTRI
- On the other handYET