Newsday Crossword Answers February 3 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Billie Truitt, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 MaturedAGED
- 5 Actors who overdo itHAMS
- 9 Former global airline, for shortPANAM
- 14 Give a darnCARE
- 15 On the summit ofATOP
- 16 Gives off, as heatEMITS
- 17 DiabolicalEVIL
- 18 Tug-of-war cordROPE
- 19 1, 5, or 9DIGIT
- 20 View differentlySEEINANEWLIGHT
- 23 Pre-ownedUSED
- 24 Self-imageEGO
- 25 Flying-saucer crewALIENS
- 29 Peanut butter containerJAR
- 30 Airline watchdog agency: Abbr.FAA
- 33 Lounge aroundLOLL
- 34 The ones hereTHESE
- 36 Recede graduallyEBB
- 37 Ignore wrongdoingLOOKTHEOTHERWAY
- 41 Letter before teeESS
- 42 Steps of a ladderRUNGS
- 43 WagersBETS
- 44 So farYET
- 45 Call a halt toEND
- 46 Church towersSPIRES
- 48 Abbreviation with many a business nameINC
- 49 Back of the neckNAPE
- 51 Guard very attentivelyWATCHLIKEAHAWK
- 58 Swampy landMARSH
- 59 Land measureACRE
- 60 Get the creases out ofIRON
- 61 Any illegal activityCRIME
- 62 Not barefootSHOD
- 63 Flooring squareTILE
- 64 Hands over legallyCEDES
- 65 Group in a coopHENS
- 66 In no dangerSAFE
- 1 Highest cards in pokerACES
- 2 DonatedGAVE
- 3 One of the Great LakesERIE
- 4 Local food shopDELI
- 5 Bother repeatedlyHARASS
- 6 Make amendsATONE
- 7 SulkedMOPED
- 8 Gush forthSPEW
- 9 Dog’s family treePEDIGREE
- 10 Male friend, in SpanishAMIGO
- 11 Close by, in poemsNIGH
- 12 Keep __ (persist)ATIT
- 13 Denver winter clock setting: Abbr.MST
- 21 Convent residentNUN
- 22 Dog’s restraintLEASH
- 25 Back streetALLEY
- 26 Not very tightLOOSE
- 27 “You defeated me”ILOST
- 28 Antlered animalELK
- 29 Fast planesJETS
- 30 Not as manyFEWER
- 31 Taper offABATE
- 32 Bottomless pitABYSS
- 34 __ bar (serve drinks)TEND
- 35 Large pigHOG
- 38 Battlefield ditchesTRENCHES
- 39 Gut feelingHUNCH
- 40 Batter’s stat, for shortRBI
- 46 VelocitiesSPEEDS
- 47 Split __ soupPEA
- 48 “Who’s there?” responseITSME
- 49 Cozy cornerNICHE
- 50 Ohio tire cityAKRON
- 51 “Product” suffix for silver or softWARE
- 52 Dry as a desertARID
- 53 Eyelid hairLASH
- 54 Box office successesHITS
- 55 Opera soloARIA
- 56 Three Little Pigs’ foeWOLF
- 57 Joint above the shinKNEE
- 58 1200, in Roman numeralsMCC