Newsday Crossword Answers February 4 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Gail Grabowski, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
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- 1 Stock up onAMASS
- 6 Admiral or corporalRANK
- 10 Rolling stone’s supposed lackMOSS
- 14 Big brawlMELEE
- 15 Soother in skin creamALOE
- 16 A Great LakeERIE
- 17 Water vaporSTEAM
- 18 Evening, in adsNITE
- 19 Give up, as rightsCEDE
- 20 Very low-temperatureBITTERLYCOLD
- 23 AdditionallyALSO
- 26 Top-ratedAONE
- 27 Make less difficultEASE
- 28 Take back, as a statementRECANT
- 30 __ and craftsARTS
- 32 All possibleEVERY
- 33 Boot bottomSOLE
- 35 Three-stripe soldier: Abbr.SGT
- 38 It makes winter temperatures seem lowerWINDCHILLFACTOR
- 42 Superlative suffixEST
- 43 WhirlpoolEDDY
- 44 __ in (introduce gradually)PHASE
- 45 Sheet of glassPANE
- 47 Steak selectionsTBONES
- 48 Lasting markSCAR
- 50 Wild hogBOAR
- 53 Poems of praiseODES
- 54 Slight winter precipitationSNOWFLURRIES
- 57 Trash containersCANS
- 58 Soprano’s soloARIA
- 59 Show the ropes toTEACH
- 63 RegionAREA
- 64 Snooty personSNOB
- 65 Response to “Are not!”AMTOO
- 66 Where a robin lays eggsNEST
- 67 Nine-digit IRS IDsSSNS
- 68 Yellow citrus fruitLEMON
- 1 Mornings: Abbr.AMS
- 2 Was introduced toMET
- 3 Pub beverageALE
- 4 Coastal regionSEABOARD
- 5 “Half” prefix for finalSEMI
- 6 Moved quickly towardRANTO
- 7 ExtraterrestrialALIEN
- 8 “Just kidding”NOTREALLY
- 9 On an even __ (steady)KEEL
- 10 Major tourist drawsMECCAS
- 11 Black-and-white cookiesOREOS
- 12 Move laterallySIDLE
- 13 Bird feeder foodSEED
- 21 Body art, for shortTAT
- 22 Up to nowYET
- 23 “__ having fun now?”AREWE
- 24 Big name in blue jeansLEVIS
- 25 AromaSCENT
- 29 The Big Apple: Abbr.NYC
- 31 Touchdown caller, for shortREF
- 33 Whiskers near the earsSIDEBURNS
- 34 AncientOLD
- 35 Leave your chairSTAND
- 36 Pay a visit toGOSEE
- 37 Lock of hairTRESS
- 39 Barnyard birdHEN
- 40 Police alert: Abbr.APB
- 41 Eager volunteer’s shoutCHOOSEME
- 45 Plays with, like a kitten mightPAWSAT
- 46 Barking soundARF
- 47 Prefix for angle or cycleTRI
- 48 Catch in a trapSNARE
- 49 Ice cream holdersCONES
- 51 Hunter constellationORION
- 52 Typical SaudisARABS
- 54 Read electronicallySCAN
- 55 Young ladyLASS
- 56 List-shortening abbr.ETAL
- 60 24-hr. bank deviceATM
- 61 Pigeon soundCOO
- 62 SweetieHON