Newsday Crossword Answers February 10 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Gail Grabowski, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Rail-riding vagabondHOBO
- 5 Stock up onAMASS
- 10 AgileSPRY
- 14 English noble below dukeEARL
- 15 French flat hatBERET
- 16 Person from BangkokTHAI
- 17 Just slightlyATAD
- 18 Opera solosARIAS
- 19 Expressway exitRAMP
- 20 Scientist who studies atomsPHYSICIST
- 22 PoemVERSE
- 23 Sharp, as eyesightACUTE
- 24 Abound (with)TEEM
- 25 “Bald” birdsEAGLES
- 28 Newspaper’s job listingsWANTADS
- 31 Aids in a crimeABETS
- 32 Take __ (disassemble)APART
- 34 American spy group: Abbr.CIA
- 35 Light brown colorTAN
- 36 County festivalsFAIRS
- 37 Rural hotelINN
- 38 Take advantage ofUSE
- 39 Arranges into stacksSORTS
- 40 Made simplerEASED
- 42 Store selling dog and cat toysPETSHOP
- 44 Hot and humidSULTRY
- 45 Apple’s music playerIPOD
- 46 Marble-cake patternSWIRL
- 48 Fancy knotted scarfASCOT
- 50 Scientist who studies cellsBIOLOGIST
- 54 Mix with a spoonSTIR
- 55 Defiant challengeSUEME
- 56 AromaODOR
- 57 Midterm or finalTEST
- 58 Church instrumentORGAN
- 59 “__ of your business!”NONE
- 60 Chooses, with “for”OPTS
- 61 Paid outSPENT
- 62 OtherwiseELSE
- 1 Messy pileHEAP
- 2 Solemn pledgeOATH
- 3 Donkey’s soundBRAY
- 4 Veteran sailorOLDSALT
- 5 Calculator with beadsABACUS
- 6 Be worthy ofMERIT
- 7 Get off the couchARISE
- 8 Couch or benchSEAT
- 9 Haloed ones: Abbr.STS
- 10 City roadSTREET
- 11 Scientist filling prescriptionsPHARMACIST
- 12 Ewes’ matesRAMS
- 13 “Omigosh!”YIPE
- 21 Puts frosting onICES
- 22 Clothes-dryer outletVENT
- 24 Black paving materialsTARS
- 25 Completely devourEATUP
- 26 BelittleABASE
- 27 Scientist who studies heredityGENETICIST
- 28 Armed conflictsWARS
- 29 Casual eateryDINER
- 30 With a beachlike surfaceSANDY
- 32 Group for people 50+AARP
- 33 Cherry seedPIT
- 36 Anything that’s edibleFOOD
- 39 Took a photo ofSHOT
- 40 Money in ItalyEURO
- 41 Completely depletedALLGONE
- 43 Basketball and soccerSPORTS
- 44 Making no soundSILENT
- 46 Prolonged battleSIEGE
- 47 Adult femaleWOMAN
- 48 In the matter ofASTO
- 49 Staircase surfaceSTEP
- 50 Pat baby on the backBURP
- 51 Role modelIDOL
- 52 Male childrenSONS
- 53 Elm or eucalyptusTREE
- 55 Ship’s distress signalSOS