Newsday Crossword Answers February 11 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Billie Truitt, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
For other Newsday Crossword Puzzle Answers go to home.
- 1 In need of a bathDIRTY
- 6 Hollywood headlinerSTAR
- 10 Epic taleSAGA
- 14 Be wild aboutADORE
- 15 SharpenHONE
- 16 Oil cartelOPEC
- 17 Tourney rounds with four squadsSEMIS
- 18 Cheerios grainsOATS
- 19 Desire to haveWANT
- 20 Comfortable compromiseHAPPYMEDIUM
- 23 __ de JaneiroRIO
- 24 PasturelandLEA
- 25 Rattling noiseCLATTER
- 27 Create a new look forREDESIGN
- 32 Make a knot inTIE
- 33 Rowboat implementOAR
- 34 MenageriesZOOS
- 36 Tango or rumbaDANCE
- 40 Began modestlySTARTEDOUTSMALL
- 44 Up and aboutASTIR
- 45 Distort, as factsSKEW
- 46 Scottish hatTAM
- 47 Short-lived fashionFAD
- 49 Train stopsSTATIONS
- 52 Wheel on an automobileCARTIRE
- 56 Convent residentNUN
- 57 Pub beverageALE
- 58 Spending extravagantlyLIVINGLARGE
- 64 Highway or bywayROAD
- 66 Golfer’s shoutFORE
- 67 “This __ your fault!”ISALL
- 68 Just a single timeONCE
- 69 Bout enders, for shortTKOS
- 70 Chinese lap dogsPEKES
- 71 New York baseballersMETS
- 72 DispatchedSENT
- 73 Movie excerptSCENE
- 1 Short footraceDASH
- 2 NotionIDEA
- 3 Play friskilyROMP
- 4 Multiply by threeTRIPLE
- 5 Emphatic agreementYESYES
- 6 Sneaker or moccasinSHOE
- 7 Frog’s cousinTOAD
- 8 Playful prankANTIC
- 9 OutcomeRESULT
- 10 Piglet’s momSOW
- 11 In separate placesAPART
- 12 Aladdin’s magical palGENIE
- 13 Cast memberACTOR
- 21 Color of cornMAIZE
- 22 Hotel-room cleanersMAIDS
- 26 Sports squadTEAM
- 27 Civil rights icon ParksROSA
- 28 ConsumesEATS
- 29 “Darn it!”DRAT
- 30 Mount Olympus dwellersGODS
- 31 Cozy cornersNOOKS
- 35 Bird-feeder alternative to seedSUET
- 37 Western defense grp.NATO
- 38 Big familyCLAN
- 39 Shade treesELMS
- 41 Difference of opinionRIFT
- 42 Hiker’s pathTRAIL
- 43 Nasal accentTWANG
- 48 Snow buildupsDRIFTS
- 50 Dutch flowersTULIPS
- 51 Very shortlyINASEC
- 52 Billiards bounceCAROM
- 53 Without helpALONE
- 54 Give feedbackREACT
- 55 Bring back memories ofEVOKE
- 59 Metal in steelIRON
- 60 Bird’s dwellingNEST
- 61 Leaf-gathering toolRAKE
- 62 Little valleyGLEN
- 63 “If all __ fails…”ELSE
- 65 __ Moines, IADES