Newsday Crossword Answers February 12 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Wednesday’s puzzle was created by Bruce Venske, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Atoms with a chargeIONS
- 5 Easy taskSNAP
- 9 Stadium walkwaysRAMPS
- 14 Bit of witQUIP
- 15 Rabbit relativeHARE
- 16 Onetime At the Movies cohostEBERT
- 17 Building’s locationSITE
- 18 ThereforeERGO
- 19 Unusual knickknackCURIO
- 20 Optimal healthPEAKCONDITION
- 23 Little bitSMIDGE
- 25 Russian refusalNYET
- 26 Take a taste ofTRY
- 27 DC lobbying groupPAC
- 28 Half-square shapeELL
- 30 VigorPEP
- 32 Little Miss Sunshine actor AlanARKIN
- 34 Skeptical commentIBET
- 37 Be durableLAST
- 41 Venerable oral-care creamCRESTTOOTHPASTE
- 44 Bronte heroineEYRE
- 45 Wraps upENDS
- 46 Print-shop gadgetINKER
- 47 Common urban treeELM
- 49 Mouth, informallyYAP
- 51 007 author FlemingIAN
- 52 __-med studentPRE
- 55 White gemOPAL
- 58 Punishes Junior, old-styleSPANKS
- 60 Conference of world leadersSUMMITMEETING
- 63 RoughlyABOUT
- 64 Resurface, as a roadPAVE
- 65 Place for a keyholeDOOR
- 68 Line on a book jacketTITLE
- 69 Tech-support clientUSER
- 70 Successor of the German markEURO
- 71 Scornful lookSNEER
- 72 Ivy League school, for shortPENN
- 73 Meal in a slow cookerSTEW
- 1 Smartness statsIQS
- 2 French assentOUI
- 3 Fussy personNITPICKER
- 4 SwiftnessSPEED
- 5 Israeli coinSHEKEL
- 6 Certain undercover copNARC
- 7 Inert gas in the airARGON
- 8 Showy flowerPEONY
- 9 Say from memoryRECITE
- 10 Be besideABUT
- 11 Be worthy ofMERIT
- 12 EarlierPRIOR
- 13 Covered with rocksSTONY
- 21 Insurance sellerAGENT
- 22 ProfundityDEPTH
- 23 Place to parkSPACE
- 24 Join in wedlockMARRY
- 29 Big catLION
- 31 Arrange in advancePLAN
- 33 “Understood”ISEE
- 35 Physique, so to speakBOD
- 36 Handicraft Web storeETSY
- 38 Inviting to dinnerASKINGOUT
- 39 Barbecued foodSTEAK
- 40 Migratory seabirdsTERNS
- 42 EnticeTEMPT
- 43 Kid lit LongstockingPIPPI
- 48 Mill aroundLOITER
- 50 Toward the rear of a shipASTERN
- 52 Exams for HS juniorsPSATS
- 53 Apply, as ointmentRUBIN
- 54 Be overtheatricalEMOTE
- 56 IntensifyAMPUP
- 57 Office copier contractLEASE
- 59 South American rangeANDES
- 61 Stubborn equineMULE
- 62 Make levelEVEN
- 66 Metal-filled rockORE
- 67 Propel with oarsROW