Newsday Crossword Answers February 25 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Billie Truitt, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 ID no. on a bank statementACCT
- 5 Fraction of a min.SEC
- 8 Bonus song at a concertENCORE
- 14 Create, as a cartoonDRAW
- 15 Your and myOUR
- 16 TypicalNORMAL
- 17 Colt’s motherMARE
- 18 Moving to and __FRO
- 19 11- and 12-year-oldsTWEENS
- 20 Hideaway for the impracticalIVORYTOWER
- 23 Initial poker stakeANTE
- 24 Musical speedsTEMPOS
- 25 Have fond hopesDREAM
- 27 Football official, for shortREF
- 29 Look up toRESPECT
- 33 Noisemakers worn in dairy herdsCOWBELLS
- 38 Less dilutedPURER
- 39 Three-layer cookieOREO
- 40 Telling fibsLYING
- 43 Generic dog nameFIDO
- 44 Tubular pastaPENNE
- 46 Hiker’s woe, perhapsSOREFEET
- 48 Looks up toESTEEMS
- 51 Use a shovelDIG
- 52 “Santa __ Is Coming to Town”CLAUS
- 54 Bismarck, North __DAKOTA
- 59 Ancient legendMYTH
- 62 Person finding gems in the seaPEARLDIVER
- 64 TV antenna of oldAERIAL
- 66 Sound heard in a dairy herdMOO
- 67 Shakespearean kingLEAR
- 68 Swoop down (on)POUNCE
- 69 English TV networkBBC
- 70 ApproximatelyORSO
- 71 Gym clothes, informallySWEATS
- 72 Seek answersASK
- 73 Beef-and-potatoes mealSTEW
- 1 Allow insideADMIT
- 2 Have a yen forCRAVE
- 3 Billiards bounceCAROM
- 4 PipsqueakTWERP
- 5 Low-pressure persuasionSOFTSELL
- 6 Coin in Spain and ItalyEURO
- 7 ThrongCROWD
- 8 Main dinner courseENTREE
- 9 At this momentNOW
- 10 Custard-filled pastryCREAMPUFF
- 11 Sign of things to comeOMEN
- 12 Angry tiradeRANT
- 13 “So what __ is new?”ELSE
- 21 Olden timesYORE
- 22 Make a mistakeERR
- 26 Egyptian snakeASP
- 28 Go by planeFLY
- 30 Great Lake bordering OhioERIE
- 31 Relinquish legallyCEDE
- 32 Jogger’s paceTROT
- 33 Deal with difficultiesCOPE
- 34 Rocks that are minedORES
- 35 Left the premisesWENT
- 36 Fine dinnerwareBONECHINA
- 37 Bro’s siblingSIS
- 41 Head-moving approvalNOD
- 42 Severe traffic jamGRIDLOCK
- 45 Snakelike fishEEL
- 47 Old-fashioned “Oh, my!”EGAD
- 49 Tree sources of syrupMAPLES
- 50 Take to courtSUE
- 53 Brazilian danceSAMBA
- 55 Metric weights, for shortKILOS
- 56 Out in the openOVERT
- 57 Make fun ofTEASE
- 58 Archer’s missileARROW
- 59 Atlas pagesMAPS
- 60 Comics cry of painYEOW
- 61 FactualTRUE
- 63 Steals fromROBS
- 65 Part of a playACT