Instructional bit Crossword Clue
Instructional bit Crossword Clue Answer for Newsday Crossword. First appeared on January 14, 2023, this clue might have reappeared again with a different answer by the time you read this article. So if the first answer on the answers list does not solve your clue then try the second or the third one. Generally the latest answer on the list is the solution of the clue.
The Answer:
The latest puzzle of Newsday Crossword is that of Newsday March 30 2025. If you need help with other clues please refer to that link and you will find all the solutions sorted by their oder of appearance on the puzzle grid. For other puzzles you can to go the homepage and there you will find older ones, if you missed any.
Tap the buttons below for more Across or Down Clues. Each clue has the number on the left so you can find quickly.
- 1 Paradise Lost villain"SATAN" c="Paradise Lost villain" n="1" cn
- 6 With, in France"AVEC" c="With, in France" n="7" cn
- 10 Fairway cry" nFORE" c="Fairway cry" n="12" cn=
- 14 Pub pastime"DARTS" c="Pub pastime" n="17" cn=
- 19 Maytag alternative"AMANA" c="Maytag alternative" n="22" cn=
- 20 Marlon Oscar role" nVITO" c="Marlon Oscar role" n="28" cn=
- 21 Airshow stunt" nLOOP" c="Airshow stunt" n="33" cn=
- 22 Not moving"INERT" c="Not moving" n="38" cn=
- 23 "Barefoot BJOHNGREENLEAFWHITTIER" c="%22Barefoot Boy%22 poet" n="43" cn=
- 27 Stir to action"AROUSE" c="Stir to action" n="64" cn
- 28 South Pacific microstate"NAURU" c="South Pacific microstate" n="71" cn
- 29 Email notification"SENT" c="Email notification" n="77" cn
- 30 "Tell __ story"" nMEA" c="%22Tell __ story%22" n="82" cn
- 31 Ship's spine"KEEL" c="Ship%27s spine" n="85" cn
- 32 Delivery vehicle" nVAN" c="Delivery vehicle" n="90" cn
- 34 Mare hair"MANE" c="Mare hair" n="94" cn
- 36 __ Francisco (river of Brazil)" nSAO" c="__ Francisco (river of Brazil)" n="99" cn
- 37 "Sting like a bee" boxer" n=ALI" c="%22Sting like a bee%22 boxer" n="103" cn
- 38 "Blue Danube" composJOHANNSTRAUSS" c="%22Blue Danube%22 composer" n="110" cn
- 41 Tonic partner" n=GIN" c="Tonic partner" n="124" cn
- 42 Burger flipper"SPATULA" c="Burger flipper" n="127" cn
- 46 Extra-wide shoe" n=EEE" c="Extra-wide shoe" n="135" cn
- 47 Pretext" nRUSE" c="Pretext" n="139" cn
- 48 Movie theater" nCINE" c="Movie theater" n="144" cn
- 49 Innate gift"TALENT" c="Innate gift" n="148" cn
- 50 Joke around" n=KID" c="Joke around" n="155" cn
- 51 Scorching" n=HOT" c="Scorching" n="159" cn
- 52 Word pioneer"COINER" c="Word pioneer" n="163" cn
- 54 Without assistance"ALONE" c="Without assistance" n="169" cn
- 55 Any birthstone" n=GEM" c="Any birthstone" n="175" cn
- 56 1,000,000, mostly"ZEROS" c="1,000,000, mostly" n="179" cn
- 58 Grape crusher"PRESS" c="Grape crusher" n="185" cn
- 59 Craving" n=YEN" c="Craving" n="190" cn
- 60 The Kindle, for instance"EREADER" c="The Kindle, for instance" n="195" cn
- 62 Arena level" nTIER" c="Arena level" n="204" cn
- 64 DecameronGIOVANNIBOCCACCIO" c="Decameron author" n="213" cn
- 70 Traveled with a trailer" nRVED" c="Traveled with a trailer" n="235" cn
- 71 Well-organized"ORDERLY" c="Well-organized" n="241" cn
- 72 Letter before omega" n=PSI" c="Letter before omega" n="250" cn
- 75 Southeast Asian capital"HANOI" c="Southeast Asian capital" n="253" cn
- 78 "You __ mouthful""SAIDA" c="%22You __ mouthful%22" n="259" cn
- 81 Closest star" n=SOL" c="Closest star" n="265" cn
- 82 Swindler"CHEAT" c="Swindler" n="269" cn
- 84 Makes corrections in"EMENDS" c="Makes corrections in" n="274" cn
- 86 GPS direction" n=NNE" c="GPS direction" n="281" cn
- 87 Redcap's reward" n=TIP" c="Redcap%27s reward" n="285" cn
- 88 Take a dive"PLUNGE" c="Take a dive" n="289" cn
- 89 It's far from 71-Across" nMESS" c="It%27s far from 71-Across" n="295" cn
- 90 Med. insurance plans" nHMOS" c="Med. insurance plans" n="300" cn
- 92 Baseball great Gehrig" n=LOU" c="Baseball great Gehrig" n="305" cn
- 93 Ship's debris"FLOTSAM" c="Ship%27s debris" n="309" cn
- 94 Curator's concern" n=ART" c="Curator%27s concern" n="316" cn
- 95 French antimonarchiJEANPAULMARAT" c="French antimonarchist" n="320" cn
- 98 Zilch" n=NIL" c="Zilch" n="337" cn
- 99 Carrier with an LAX hub" n=UAL" c="Carrier with an LAX hub" n="341" cn
- 100 Big Apple theater award" n=OBIE" c="Big Apple theater award" n="345" cn=
- 101 First X or O" n="TIC" c="First X or O" n="350" cn=
- 102 Marvel movie superhero" n=THOR" c="Marvel movie superhero" n="354" cn=
- 106 Seventh century starter" n="DCI" c="Seventh century starter" n="358" cn=
- 107 "__ just take a minute"" n=ITLL" c="%22__ just take a minute%22" n="362" cn=
- 109 Come to terms" nAGREE" c="Come to terms" n="367" cn=
- 111 Cornell's city"ITHACA" c="Cornell%27s city" n="373" cn=
- 113 Little MermaHANSCHRISTIANANDERSEN" c="Little Mermaid author" n="379" cn=
- 117 What Germans call Merkel" nANGIE" c="What Germans call Merkel" n="400" cn=
- 118 Parisienne pal" n=AMIE" c="Parisienne pal" n="406" cn=
- 119 Weighty book" n=TOME" c="Weighty book" n="411" cn=
- 120 Assail" nSETAT" c="Assail" n="416" cn=
- 121 Small stingers" nWASPS" c="Small stingers" n="421" cn=
- 122 Pre-schoolers" n=TOTS" c="Pre-schoolers" n="427" cn=
- 123 Exxon's ex-name" n=ESSO" c="Exxon%27s ex-name" n="432" cn=
- 124 Freezing temperatures" nTEENS" c="Freezing temperatures" n="437" cn=
- 1 Former Wheel of Fortune host"SAJAK" c="Former Wheel of Fortune host" n="1" cn
- 2 Italian love"AMORE" c="Italian love" n="2" cn
- 3 Lake near Reno"TAHOE" c="Lake near Reno" n="3" cn
- 4 Invalidate"ANNUL" c="Invalidate" n="4" cn
- 5 Asks repeatedly"NAGS" c="Asks repeatedly" n="5" cn
- 6 Urban rd."AVE" c="Urban rd." n="7" cn
- 7 38-Across' hometown"VIENNA" c="38-Across%27 hometown" n="8" cn
- 8 Sicilian spewer"ETNA" c="Sicilian spewer" n="9" cn
- 9 Supported like the Parthenon"COLUMNED" c="Supported like the Parthenon" n="10" cn
- 10 Show off"FLAUNT" c="Show off" n="12" cn
- 11 Comics cry of distress" nOOF" c="Comics cry of distress" n="13" cn
- 12 Propels with oars"ROWS" c="Propels with oars" n="14" cn
- 13 Turkish tourist town"EPHESUS" c="Turkish tourist town" n="15" cn
- 14 Marks of repetition"DITTOS" c="Marks of repetition" n="17" cn
- 15 Pantry pest" nANT" c="Pantry pest" n="18" cn
- 16 Consider in a new light"REIMAGINE" c="Consider in a new light" n="19" cn
- 17 Timberland limits"TREELINES" c="Timberland limits" n="20" cn
- 18 Sieves and colanders"STRAINERS" c="Sieves and colanders" n="21" cn
- 24 Rebellion"REVOLT" c="Rebellion" n="48" cn
- 25 Wipe clean"ERASE" c="Wipe clean" n="53" cn
- 26 "Be right with you""INASEC" c="%22Be right with you%22" n="58" cn
- 33 Cry of discovery" nAHA" c="Cry of discovery" n="91" cn
- 35 Miscalculation"ERROR" c="Miscalculation" n="97" cn
- 38 D-Day's month" nJUNE" c="D-Day%27s month" n="110" cn
- 39 Retail partner of Marcus"NEIMAN" c="Retail partner of Marcus" n="114" cn
- 40 Prefix for graph" nAUTO" c="Prefix for graph" n="119" cn
- 42 Spend some time" nSTAY" c="Spend some time" n="127" cn
- 43 Nearly colorless" nPALE" c="Nearly colorless" n="128" cn
- 44 "Moving right __...""ALONG" c="%22Moving right __...%22" n="129" cn
- 45 Till bill" n=TEN" c="Till bill" n="130" cn
- 48 Wispy clouds"CIRRI" c="Wispy clouds" n="144" cn
- 50 Very perceptive" nKEEN" c="Very perceptive" n="155" cn
- 51 New Testament king"HEROD" c="New Testament king" n="159" cn
- 53 Fuel cartel" nOPEC" c="Fuel cartel" n="164" cn
- 55 Alumni"GRADS" c="Alumni" n="175" cn
- 56 Safari sighting"ZEBRA" c="Safari sighting" n="179" cn
- 57 Street market booth"STALL" c="Street market booth" n="183" cn
- 60 Genesis exile" n=EVE" c="Genesis exile" n="195" cn
- 61 Part of LED"DIODE" c="Part of LED" n="199" cn
- 63 Frost-covered" n=ICY" c="Frost-covered" n="205" cn
- 65 Smooths, as skirts"IRONS" c="Smooths, as skirts" n="214" cn
- 66 Roman poet" nOVID" c="Roman poet" n="215" cn
- 67 Element in atomic clocks"CESIUM" c="Element in atomic clocks" n="223" cn
- 68 Wheat or soybeans" nCROP" c="Wheat or soybeans" n="224" cn
- 69 Bets first"OPENS" c="Bets first" n="229" cn
- 73 Epic tale" nSAGA" c="Epic tale" n="251" cn
- 74 Short news piece" nITEM" c="Short news piece" n="252" cn
- 75 Be indecisive"HEMANDHAW" c="Be indecisive" n="253" cn
- 76 Smithsonian artifacts"AMERICANA" c="Smithsonian artifacts" n="254" cn
- 77 Baby birds"NESTLINGS" c="Baby birds" n="255" cn
- 79 Soon, in verse" nANON" c="Soon, in verse" n="260" cn
- 80 Role model, for short"INSPO" c="Role model, for short" n="261" cn
- 82 Curdle" nCLOT" c="Curdle" n="269" cn
- 83 Crude dwelling" n=HUT" c="Crude dwelling" n="270" cn
- 85 Sword holder"SHEATH" c="Sword holder" n="279" cn
- 87 Put up with"TOLERATE" c="Put up with" n="285" cn
- 88 Tranquil"PLACID" c="Tranquil" n="289" cn
- 91 Food court regular"MALLRAT" c="Food court regular" n="301" cn
- 92 One of the Mario Brothers"LUIGI" c="One of the Mario Brothers" n="305" cn
- 93 End of many work wks." n=FRI" c="End of many work wks." n="309" cn
- 95 Breakfast buffet array"JUICES" c="Breakfast buffet array" n="320" cn
- 96 Tapers off"ABATES" c="Tapers off" n="325" cn
- 97 Starting squads"ATEAMS" c="Starting squads" n="329" cn
- 102 Afternoon hour" nTHREE" c="Afternoon hour" n="354" cn=
- 103 Impulsive speed" nHASTE" c="Impulsive speed" n="355" cn=
- 104 Salty expanse" nOCEAN" c="Salty expanse" n="356" cn=
- 105 Carries on verbally" nRANTS" c="Carries on verbally" n="357" cn=
- 108 "Stretch" vehicle" n=LIMO" c="%22Stretch%22 vehicle" n="365" cn=
- 110 Grandson of 60-Down" n=ENOS" c="Grandson of 60-Down" n="370" cn=
- 112 Trial run" n=TEST" c="Trial run" n="374" cn=
- 114 Taste of tea" n="SIP" c="Taste of tea" n="382" cn=
- 115 Plop down" n="SIT" c="Plop down" n="387" cn=
- 116 It means "recent"" n="NEO" c="It means %22recent%22" n="393" cn=