Newsday Crossword Answers January 31 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Friday’s puzzle was created by S.N., edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
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- 1 Alert earlyPREWARN
- 8 Club branchCHAPTER
- 15 Retired (in 2023) soccer starRAPINOE
- 16 Tex-Mex stuffed pepperRELLENO
- 17 First half on a quoteIDIDNTREALLYSAY
- 19 Guilty pleasureVICE
- 20 Without compassionCOLDLY
- 21 Slot’s space holderTBA
- 22 “__ right!”YOURE
- 24 Terre dans l’oceanILE
- 25 “Little” Dickens girlNELL
- 26 Organic sealantTAR
- 27 SnootBEEZER
- 30 Sport performed while seatedCREW
- 31 Lyric linesODE
- 32 46th st.OKLA
- 33 Dated nowPASSE
- 34 Source of quote, re the quotes attributed to himYOGIBERRA
- 37 Sly guy or shady ladySNEAK
- 40 Dressing acronymEVOO
- 41 Word on a workout calendarABS
- 44 Disagreeable personPILL
- 45 Village like in FiddlerSHTETL
- 47 What some get stuck inRUT
- 48 Arthur Miller contemporaryINGE
- 49 “How wonderful!”OOH
- 50 Added expenseEXTRA
- 52 Austrian articleDER
- 53 Beethoven’s ThirdEROICA
- 56 View from a distanceESPY
- 57 Second half of quoteEVERYTHINGISAID
- 60 Park or playgroundRECAREA
- 61 Oven sectionBROILER
- 62 Some partiesSHOWERS
- 63 Food processorCANNERY
- 1 In onPRIVYTO
- 2 Unseen commercialRADIOAD
- 3 High-class dinerEPICURE
- 4 Dentist’s requestWIDER
- 5 Novelist PatchettANN
- 6 VMI programROTC
- 7 One of the “Twelve Caesars”NERO
- 8 Metaphorical sourceCRADLE
- 9 Catch-22 authorHELLER
- 10 CompatriotALLY
- 11 Work at busilyPLY
- 12 Tough questionsTESTERS
- 13 FacilitatesENABLES
- 14 Princely prerogativeROYALWE
- 18 70-year sovereignELIZABETHII
- 23 Novel mediumEBOOK
- 25 Sugar Bowl org.NCAA
- 28 Beat trackerEKG
- 29 With 34-Down, Ivy founderELI
- 33 Blue-collar, for shortPROLE
- 34 See 29-DownYALE
- 35 Ancestor to allEVE
- 36 BiodegradeROT
- 37 Web developersSPIDERS
- 38 Assyrian city cited by KiplingNINEVEH
- 39 Painter tutored by TitianELGRECO
- 41 Picture show of a kindARTSALE
- 42 Beating in carbonationBURPIER
- 43 Rainy day farewellSTAYDRY
- 45 Postal machineSORTER
- 46 CommotionsHOOHAS
- 51 Marks, as a square boxXESIN
- 53 Brit lit governessEYRE
- 54 Closing Bell airerCNBC
- 55 It’s south of New DelhiAGRA
- 58 UnprocessedRAW
- 59 “+” or “-” particleION