Newsday Crossword Answers July 12 2021 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman and the puzzle grid is 15 by 15 wide.
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Across Clues
- Muscle spasmCRAMP
- In no dangerSAFE
- NotionIDEA
- More qualifiedABLER
- British tavernsPUBS
- Measure of carbs or proteinGRAM
- Tactful, as an ambassadorDIPLOMATIC
- Astronaut’s org.NASA
- Generic dog nameFIDO
- ResidencesHOMES
- Burgundy or CabernetREDWINE
- Nouns like ”occupants” and ”octopi”PLURALS
- Fly a planeAVIATE
- French-speaking Canadian provinceQUEBEC
- Narrow parts of bottlesNECKS
- Makes a left or rightTURNS
- Football arbiter, for shortREF
- Elm or oakTREE
- Taunts from spectatorsJEERS
- Hard-to-please actressDIVA
- Criterion: Abbr.STD
- SongsTUNES
- Provide food for a partyCATER
- Begin to overtakeGAINON
- ”Semper Fi” soldierMARINE
- More honedSHARPER
- Gives orders on a film setDIRECTS
- Toad’s bumpy featuresWARTS
- Price paidCOST
- Spot of land in the seaISLE
- ”Blue” political partyDEMOCRATIC
- Blend liquids togetherSTIR
- AromaODOR
- Apple tablet computersIPADS
- Office assistant: Abbr.SECY
- Convent residentsNUNS
- Coke competitorPEPSI
Vertical Clues
- Unmannerly manCAD
- Slugger’s stat, for shortRBI
- Mountain near GenevaALP
- Brooks or Gibson of filmsMEL
- Sales less expensesPROFITS
- Garden tool for diggingSPADE
- Convertible or coupeAUTO
- ”Most Wanted” list agency: Abbr.FBI
- PC ”get out” keyESC
- Pay no attention toIGNORE
- Newspaper person reviewing playsDRAMACRITIC
- Three-legged stand for artEASEL
- AccumulateAMASS
- Underground source for goldMINE
- Central parts of wheelsHUBS
- __ and raves (makes a scene)RANTS
- Tennis great ChrisEVERT
- Pungent bulb cut into small cubesDICEDGARLIC
- End one’s sleepingWAKE
- Sounds from a happy catPURRS
- Glass in binocularsLENS
- Most powerful chess pieceQUEEN
- Choral voice above bassTENOR
- Major happeningEVENT
- Payments made by passengersFARES
- When summer startsJUNE
- Take a bold chanceDARE
- Helpful hintsTIPS
- Family excursion in a sedanCARTRIP
- Type of blood vesselARTERY
- ”Everything else” category: Abbr.MISC
- Cheese with holesSWISS
- Reckless speedHASTE
- EntrywaysDOORS
- ”Hurry up, we gotta go!”CMON
- Slip into, as clothingDON
- End of a college Web addressEDU
- Chimp or gorillaAPE
- Touch on the shoulderTAP
- Employee badges: Abbr.IDS
- CBS police franchiseCSI