Newsday Crossword Answers July 31 2023 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load. If encountering a difficult puzzle day please rememeber our site and you will leave with an accurate clue answer.
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- Has muscle sorenessACHES
- NotionIDEA
- Canoe or kayakBOAT
- Harsh noiseBLARE
- Doctor’s prescriptionDRUG
- Personal assistantAIDE
- PoliteCIVIL
- Angler’s “tempting” deviceLURE
- Big familyCLAN
- Person often driving too fastSPEEDDEMON
- Beer barrelsKEGS
- Rower’s implementOAR
- Bachelor of Arts, for exampleDEGREE
- Award for music recordingsGRAMMY
- Australian bearlike beastKOALA
- Mysterious glowAURA
- Performed in a chorusSANG
- Docking places for shipsPIERS
- On behalf ofFOR
- Banquet hostEMCEE
- Python or cobraSNAKE
- Amazes greatlyAWES
- Prophetic signOMEN
- Finds out aboutHEARS
- Adjusters of piano tonesTUNERS
- Mascara stainsSMEARS
- __ Francisco, CASAN
- Sound of a happy catPURR
- “You’re So Vain” singerCARLYSIMON
- Part of a moleculeATOM
- Woodwind instrumentOBOE
- Nary a soulNOONE
- Start over withREDO
- Piece of kitchen flooringTILE
- Be patient forAWAIT
- Garden where Eve livedEDEN
- Rung of a ladderSTEP
- TrousersPANTS
- First lessons in readingABCS
- Trim, as fingernailsCLIP
- PossessHAVE
- A Great LakeERIE
- RarelySELDOM
- Person just hanging aroundIDLER
- Instrument played with sticksDRUM
- Money in Italy or SpainEURO
- Meeting’s to-do listAGENDA
- Board game often on the other side of a checkerboardBACKGAMMON
- Person who lubricates machineryOILER
- Old maximADAGE
- Feeling nervousTENSE
- __ of yore (long ago)DAYS
- OtherwiseELSE
- Spaces between thingsGAPS
- Totally mess upRUIN
- VicinityAREA
- Longtime star of “NCIS”MARKHARMON
- Is aware ofKNOWS
- Fairy tale fiendOGRE
- Where some “worship from”AFAR
- ApexACME
- Impolite lookLEER
- Contact __ (vision improver)LENS
- Fortune-tellerSEER
- Stick aroundSTAY
- Wide tiesASCOTS
- Open up, as a tot’s winter jacketUNSNAP
- Tire in the trunkSPARE
- Turned off, as TV audioMUTED
- Wear away slowlyERODE
- Take a napSLEEP
- Very slightlyABIT
- Part for a performerROLE
- Des Moines’ stateIOWA
- __ and groan (complain)MOAN
- “Put a lid __!”ONIT
- Tennis court boundariesNETS