Newsday Crossword Answers June 6 2023 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Billie Truitt, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load. If encountering a difficult puzzle day please rememeber our site and you will leave with an accurate clue answer.
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- Influence unfairlyBIAS
- Sir __ NewtonISAAC
- Sports cable channelESPN
- And higher, as a priceONUP
- Bistro patronDINER
- Like __ of bricks (very heavily)ATON
- Back of the neckNAPE
- Optional purchaseEXTRA
- Ticker-__ paradeTAPE
- Occasion for caps and gownsGRADUATIONDAY
- Yes, in FrenchOUI
- Tissue paper layerPLY
- “On the __ hand . . .”OTHER
- Slice of baconSTRIP
- Think (over)MUSE
- Period of historyERA
- Having dependence (on)RELIANT
- Edge of a hatBRIM
- They’re awarded to special guests on 20 AcrossHONORARYDEGREES
- Prayer-ending wordAMEN
- Manual workerLABORER
- Attorney’s expertiseLAW
- Clear-headedSANE
- Very impoliteCRASS
- Initial phaseONSET
- InquireASK
- __ cone (icy confection)SNO
- Student speaker on 20 AcrossVALEDICTORIAN
- Light in a constellationSTAR
- Event’s locationVENUE
- “Better get __ writing”ITIN
- Tenant’s paymentRENT
- Overdo one’s actingEMOTE
- Scrabble pieceTILE
- Wide beltSASH
- Person using oarsROWER
- Office helper: Abbr.ASST
- Small drums struck with handsBONGOS
- Trapped by routineINARUT
- Nanny from overseasAUPAIR
- RushedSPED
- Best possibleIDEAL
- Mile-a-minute speedSIXTY
- Prefix for freezeANTI
- Prefix in aviationAERO
- Ocean Spray juice flavor prefixCRAN
- Bother greatlyEATAT
- “Don’t go away”STAYHERE
- Bubble-bursting soundPOP
- Opposite of SSWNNE
- Have the __ hand (be at an advantage)UPPER
- Female deerDOE
- Great Lake bordering OhioERIE
- Lambs’ fathersRAMS
- Smooth out clothes creasesIRON
- PerhapsMAYBE
- Loosen, as shoelacesUNDO
- Ending for young or prankSTER
- Tra __ (song syllables)LALA
- Teheran’s countryIRAN
- “I’m f-f-freezing!”BRRR
- Angelic lightHALO
- Arabian nationOMAN
- Broadcast journalists’ vehiclesNEWSVANS
- Lizard in GEICO adsGECKO
- Mo. arch citySTL
- “The way things stand . . .”ASITIS
- Slow-moving animals in shellsSNAILS
- Shakespearean poetic formSONNET
- Our planetEARTH
- Sharp, as eyesightACUTE
- Direct a carSTEER
- At any timeEVER
- Floor modelDEMO
- “__ pronounce you . . .”INOW
- Tequila cocktail, for shortRITA
- Cap-and-gown wearers on 20 Across: Abbr.SRS
- Earl Grey or pekoeTEA