Newsday Crossword Answers June 8 2023 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Thursday’s puzzle was created by Guilherme Gilioli, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load. If encountering a difficult puzzle day please rememeber our site and you will leave with an accurate clue answer.
For other Newsday Crossword Puzzle Answers go to home.
- __ AvivTEL
- Challenge for a would-be GPMCAT
- Allow to joinADMIT
- “Metal precioso”ORO
- Zesty dressingAIOLI
- Guillermo’s goodBUENO
- What encyclopedia editors insist onFACTUALACCURACY
- Did theater work, informallyUSHED
- Not falling forONTO
- “Such a pity!”ALAS
- Nothing: Fr.RIEN
- Just __ (small amount)ADAB
- Business world’s expansions and contractionsECONOMICCYCLE
- Noisy squabblesROWS
- __-jonggMAH
- Concerning kidneysRENAL
- Hotel amenityICE
- Free (of)RELIEVE
- Base figureNCO
- Amusing but overdoneCAMPY
- NY engineering schoolRPI
- Generic canineFIDO
- Marathon equipmentELECTRICCLOCK
- Medal of Freedom tennis pro (1993)ASHE
- Michael of “Arrested Development”CERA
- DownsidesCONS
- Brewer’s ovenOAST
- Barnyard soundsOINKS
- Producer’s hopeCRITICALACCLAIM
- Chair craftspersonCANER
- Young zebrasCOLTS
- Make sure (that)SEE
- Court figureCLERK
- Small wooden platformsTEES
- Local map abbr.AVE
- Stir-fry stapleTOFU
- Historical studiesERAS
- Fishing spot for ScotsLOCH
- South FL hubMIA
- Home styleCOLONIAL
- Moonwalker ShepardALAN
- Certs alternativeTICTAC
- __ DhabiABU
- Built to lastDURABLE
- Menu selectionMEAL
- Ancient llama herderINCA
- Playpen pileTOYS
- Concern for a virtual meetingAUDIO
- Migratory seabirdsTERNS
- Annie Oakley employerCODY
- Plus-size modelEMME
- Part of some plotsACRE
- “Little Mermaid” heroERIC
- __-ColaCOCA
- “It’s OK to pay later”OWEME
- Grasshopper soundCHIRR
- Film composer MorriconeENNIO
- Dual-powerACDC
- Get a glimpseLOOK
- Grasses in some whiskeyRYES
- “Iliad”, for instanceEPICTALE
- Guilty pleasureVICE
- Wall covering of a sortPLASTER
- Swing wildlyFLAIL
- Candy flavor, for shortCHOC
- Cause of 1773 overboard tossesTEAACT
- Swamp thingsCROCS
- What the four longest answers have in commonCCCC
- VocalizedORAL
- Start of Hawaiian zip codesNINE
- Plum cousinSLOE
- SpaceX clientNASA
- Eastern European capitalKIEV
- Barrie bosunSMEE
- PeeveIRK
- $ portionsCTS