Newsday Crossword Answers March 4 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Tiny troublemakersIMPS
- 5 Country in the AndesPERU
- 9 Assist in wrongdoingABET
- 13 100%, as goldPURE
- 14 Strong smellODOR
- 15 LassosROPES
- 17 Part of a moleculeATOM
- 18 Tops of jarsLIDS
- 19 BanishEXILE
- 20 “The,” grammaticallyDEFINITEARTICLE
- 23 DonkeyASS
- 24 “Wow, am __ a roll!”ION
- 25 Small, and prone to pranksELFISH
- 29 Just adequateSOSO
- 31 Wood-cutting toolSAW
- 34 Mrs. George W. BushLAURA
- 35 Kitchen drain’s localeSINK
- 36 Stand upRISE
- 37 Unquestionably correctABSOLUTELYRIGHT
- 40 AdolescentTEEN
- 41 Seagoing fighting forceNAVY
- 42 Old-time anestheticETHER
- 43 Letters after kaysELS
- 44 Lo-cal, on food packagesLITE
- 45 Elegant and excellentCLASSY
- 46 Was introduced toMET
- 47 Uni- times threeTRI
- 48 Totally confidentSUREASSURECANBE
- 57 Motorist’s reversalUTURN
- 58 Largest continentASIA
- 59 Corkscrew’s shapeCOIL
- 60 Sheriff’s metallic IDBADGE
- 61 AllowsLETS
- 62 Rural hotelsINNS
- 63 Follow, as adviceHEED
- 64 Elm or oakTREE
- 65 Portion of medicineDOSE
- 1 Apple’s tablet computerIPAD
- 2 “Sound off” remote buttonMUTE
- 3 College teacher nicknamePROF
- 4 “Half” prefix for circleSEMI
- 5 Shoe-shining liquidPOLISH
- 6 Revises a manuscriptEDITS
- 7 Went by bike or busRODE
- 8 __ Major (bear constellation)URSA
- 9 Childish response to “Am not!”ARETOO
- 10 Keep confinedBOXIN
- 11 Long heroic taleEPIC
- 12 Blab a secretTELL
- 16 Meet withSEE
- 21 Spoken with a twangNASAL
- 22 Not safe to doRISKY
- 25 Make very happyELATE
- 26 Tag inside a blouseLABEL
- 27 Melts together, as metalsFUSES
- 28 Clothes-pressing applianceIRON
- 29 Kitchen strainerSIEVE
- 30 Nothing more thanONLY
- 31 Sounds of regretSIGHS
- 32 Barbecues’ residuesASHES
- 33 Humble answer to “Good work, folks!”WETRY
- 35 Number in a spreadsheetSTAT
- 36 Tequila cocktail, for shortRITA
- 38 __ of measure (quart and ounce)UNITS
- 39 Ancient artifactRELIC
- 44 TiltedLEANED
- 45 Fabric foldCREASE
- 46 Combine, as companiesMERGE
- 47 Overly spoken, as a phraseTRITE
- 48 Undersea vesselSUB
- 49 State north of New MexicoUTAH
- 50 ImpoliteRUDE
- 51 Condiment in shakersSALT
- 52 Software customerUSER
- 53 Corrosive liquidACID
- 54 Prohibited thingNONO
- 55 Storage containersBINS
- 56 OtherwiseELSE