Newsday Crossword Answers March 5 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Wednesday’s puzzle was created by Mark McClain, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Person doing nothingIDLER
- 6 “Quiet!”SHH
- 9 Dislike very muchHATE
- 13 Cheer for a tenorBRAVO
- 14 __ de CologneEAU
- 15 Stationed (at)BASED
- 16 Financial “cleaning” crimeMONEYLAUNDERING
- 19 Practice for boxingSPAR
- 20 TotallyALL
- 21 Make fizzyAERATE
- 22 Great Pyramid cityGIZA
- 24 Feel sorry forPITY
- 25 Athlete’s high-carb snacksENERGYBARS
- 29 SunbeamRAY
- 32 Event with bronco ridingRODEO
- 33 __ sauce (sushi condiment)SOY
- 34 Speed contestRACE
- 35 African neighbor of MaliNIGER
- 36 Thin cylindrical batteriesAAS
- 37 Smallest pups in littersRUNTS
- 38 “Not if __ help it!”ICAN
- 39 AntiquatedOLD
- 40 “My luck’s about to change”IMDUE
- 41 Occupational suffix for auctionEER
- 42 Newest (2019) of America’s uniformed forcesSPACECORPS
- 45 Grains in granolaOATS
- 47 Epps or SharifOMAR
- 48 Golfer’s postureSTANCE
- 51 “Just __ thought”ASI
- 52 Flat-topped landMESA
- 56 Short-deadline requirementsTIMECONSTRAINTS
- 59 Data to be enteredINPUT
- 60 Sheep’s commentBAA
- 61 __ a fox (crafty)SLYAS
- 62 Speak hoarselyRASP
- 63 Mar. followerAPR
- 64 Flower or weedPLANT
- 1 Some of the first PCsIBMS
- 2 Delete from a listDROP
- 3 Singer Del Rey or Turner of filmsLANA
- 4 Fir or pineEVERGREEN
- 5 Singer OrbisonROY
- 6 Underwater research facilitySEALAB
- 7 Transport by truckHAUL
- 8 Follower of AttilaHUN
- 9 Son of Charles IIIHARRY
- 10 Nepal’s localeASIA
- 11 Camper’s shelterTENT
- 12 Competitive advantageEDGE
- 15 Red veggieBEET
- 17 Apt to do nothingLAZY
- 18 “Fresh as a” flowerDAISY
- 23 Frankenstein’s helperIGOR
- 24 Athletes who are paidPROS
- 25 Bert’s Muppet buddyERNIE
- 26 “Hold the rocks” drink requestNOICE
- 27 Poe’s first nameEDGAR
- 28 Carne __ (roasted meat)ASADA
- 29 Vacation break, for shortRANDR
- 30 MisbehaveACTUP
- 31 Affirmative answersYESES
- 34 Gossipy “grapevine”RUMORMILL
- 36 Swiss peaksALPS
- 37 Costa __ (Central American nation)RICA
- 39 “Bone” prefixOSTEO
- 43 Performer sharing top billingCOSTAR
- 44 Mideast leaderEMIR
- 45 Ahead by a pointONEUP
- 46 S&L customerACCT
- 48 Batter recipe stepSTIR
- 49 Fey or TurnerTINA
- 50 Measures of currentAMPS
- 51 Right away, in a memoASAP
- 53 Irish vocalistENYA
- 54 Lee of Marvel Comics fameSTAN
- 55 Aide: Abbr.ASST
- 57 Major hoops org.NBA
- 58 African snakeASP