Newsday Crossword Answers March 11 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Twirl aroundSPIN
- 5 __Canaveral, FLCAPE
- 9 “Get lost!”SCRAM
- 14 Chauffeur-driven autoLIMO
- 15 Corrosive liquidACID
- 16 Strategy to try firstPLANA
- 17 With no warrantyASIS
- 18 AdorableCUTE
- 19 Rule over a kingdomREIGN
- 20 Big Apple island with Times SQUAREMANHATTAN
- 22 Art studio standEASEL
- 23 Feel regret aboutRUE
- 24 Hardly everRARELY
- 25 Waltz and tangoDANCES
- 29 Farmer’s plantingsSEEDS
- 31 Hawaiian greetingALOHA
- 32 Long-necked graceful birdSWAN
- 33 ChildrenKIDS
- 37 Demolished, with “down”TORE
- 38 Be immodestBOAST
- 39 Much-admired celebrityIDOL
- 40 24-hr. cash sourcesATMS
- 41 TV industry awardEMMY
- 42 Triangular river formationDELTA
- 43 Take a napSLEEP
- 45 Most sensibleWISEST
- 46 Wooden planks for home buildingTIMBER
- 49 Bowler’s targetPIN
- 50 Pungent burger toppingONION
- 51 Wrist adornments sold at a craft FAIRBRACELETS
- 57 Lavish partiesGALAS
- 58 Colonel or admiralRANK
- 59 Farmland measureACRE
- 60 In the knowAWARE
- 61 Personal assistantAIDE
- 62 Seal tightlySHUT
- 63 Mails awaySENDS
- 64 Feeling gratifiedGLAD
- 65 Tips of shoesTOES
- 1 Loud door-closing soundSLAM
- 2 Leaning Tower cityPISA
- 3 “Sign me up!”IMIN
- 4 Small snackNOSH
- 5 Spiny Arizona plantCACTUS
- 6 Sharp, as eyesightACUTE
- 7 Flat bread with a pocketPITA
- 8 Adam and Eve’s homeEDEN
- 9 Jelly or butterSPREAD
- 10 Cloudless FAIR weatherCLEARSKIES
- 11 Salary increaseRAISE
- 12 Halo wearerANGEL
- 13 MachoMANLY
- 21 NeighborhoodAREA
- 24 Monthly apartment feeRENT
- 25 Facts and figuresDATA
- 26 FrequentlyALOT
- 27 Standard behaviorNORM
- 28 64-SQUARE surface for a “pawns” gameCHESSBOARD
- 29 Everglades terrainSWAMP
- 30 Not at all difficultEASY
- 32 A few (of)SOME
- 34 Not doing anythingIDLE
- 35 “Polka” clothing patternDOTS
- 36 Wooden stripSLAT
- 38 “On tap” beverageBEER
- 42 Have a fine mealDINE
- 44 Bifocals or contactsLENSES
- 45 EvilWICKED
- 46 Garments for Julius CaesarTOGAS
- 47 Highly impressedINAWE
- 48 Italy’s fashion centerMILAN
- 49 Black-and-white “giant” bearPANDA
- 51 Be immodestBRAG
- 52 Part of a train trackRAIL
- 53 At long __ (finally)LAST
- 54 Bounce back, as a soundECHO
- 55 FactualTRUE
- 56 Film studio stagesSETS