Newsday Crossword Answers March 12 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Wednesday’s puzzle was created by Guilherme Gilioli, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Arabian Nights’ Ali __BABA
- 5 Nativity scene trioMAGI
- 9 Slangy affirmativeYEAH
- 13 Moses’ brotherAARON
- 14 Software buyerUSER
- 15 Hesitant refusalUMNO
- 16 Short-term loanBRIDGEFINANCING
- 19 Stick aroundSTAY
- 20 Container for rosesVASE
- 21 Measure for landACRE
- 22 Mares and filliesSHES
- 24 It’s south of Pa.WVA
- 25 Fine-glass French figurineBACCARATCRYSTAL
- 33 Orderly displayARRAY
- 34 Chimp or orangutanAPE
- 35 Highway: Abbr.RTE
- 36 Call __ evening (leave a party)ITAN
- 37 Cable channel of CongressCSPAN
- 39 Swiss capitalBERN
- 40 Deep, as a voiceLOW
- 41 Mineral depositORE
- 42 Surrendered, informallyCAVED
- 43 Single red gems in ringsSOLITAIRERUBIES
- 48 Mystery manMRX
- 49 Great angerFURY
- 50 Italian “Bye!”CIAO
- 52 Nintendo game consolesWIIS
- 54 Dishonest imitationSHAM
- 58 Salad greens trimmedHEARTSOFLETTUCE
- 61 Poker pot starterANTE
- 62 MisplaceLOSE
- 63 Richards of the Rolling StonesKEITH
- 64 “Don’t change it” markSTET
- 65 Clumsy personCLOD
- 66 Chooses, with “for”OPTS
- 1 The Simpsons sonBART
- 2 Solo for a sopranoARIA
- 3 Airport screening procedureBODYSCAN
- 4 Director LeeANG
- 5 The Lion King kingMUFASA
- 6 Without any guaranteeASIS
- 7 Bit of heredityGENE
- 8 Nest egg acronymIRA
- 9 Southwestern plantsYUCCAS
- 10 Mideast rulerEMIR
- 11 Vampire novelist RiceANNE
- 12 Large pigHOG
- 13 Muscles under pecsABS
- 17 At any timeEVER
- 18 Maritime forceNAVY
- 23 Stable baleHAY
- 24 Small songbirdWREN
- 25 Flees, informallyBAILS
- 26 __ Detoo of Star WarsARTOO
- 27 Inch forward like an infantCRAWL
- 28 Get gradually narrowerTAPER
- 29 Tax expert’s designationCPA
- 30 Fountain attraction of RomeTREVI
- 31 Up __ (cornered)ATREE
- 32 Gives temporarilyLENDS
- 37 Try to persuadeCOAX
- 38 __ LankaSRI
- 39 Small bit of progressBABYSTEP
- 42 Mongrel dogCUR
- 44 Turkish innIMARET
- 45 Jogging gaitTROT
- 46 Submitted Form 1040 onlineEFILED
- 47 Deceptive schemeRUSE
- 50 Tenth of a dimeCENT
- 51 “Just had lunch”IATE
- 52 Fiber from sheepWOOL
- 53 “Assuming that’s true…”IFSO
- 55 French octetHUIT
- 56 Play divisionsACTS
- 57 “Not so good”MEH
- 58 ContainsHAS
- 59 UT’s largest citySLC
- 60 Boxing result, for shortTKO