Newsday Crossword Answers March 16 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Sunday’s puzzle was created by Steve Faiella, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 21 by 21.
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- 1 Russia’s __ MountainsURAL
- 5 Insect in a nestWASP
- 9 Khan mentioned by ColeridgeKUBLA
- 14 Clothing fastenerSNAP
- 18 Vein contentsLODE
- 19 Hoppy brewsIPAS
- 20 Bizet operaCARMEN
- 21 Mata __ (legendary spy)HARI
- 22 NFL automatic time-outTWOMINUTEWARNING
- 25 CravingURGE
- 26 Stood up againREROSE
- 27 ConstructedBUILT
- 28 Minor malfunctionGLITCH
- 30 BattlegroundARENA
- 31 Brought aboutDID
- 32 Inventor’s documentPATENT
- 34 Leather piercerAWL
- 36 Type of auto transmissionFOURONTHEFLOOR
- 41 FearlessBOLD
- 44 In the pastAGO
- 46 Cry of dismayOUCH
- 47 Causing shiversEERIE
- 48 Fencing bladeEPEE
- 49 Rink resurfacerZAMBONI
- 52 FalsifierLIAR
- 55 Tiny tricksterELF
- 56 Luggage labelTAG
- 57 Address for an earlMYLORD
- 58 Navigation hazardBERG
- 59 All Eton gradsBOYS
- 60 Hawaiian helloALOHA
- 62 Lend a hand toAID
- 64 Critic’s voice in RatatouilleOTOOLE
- 66 Common automotive powerSIXCYLINDERENGINE
- 72 Join in the criticismPILEON
- 73 Glide on snowSKI
- 74 Guitar attachmentSTRAP
- 77 Workers in coloniesANTS
- 80 BegrudgeENVY
- 81 Calls something offENDSIT
- 85 Wish undoneRUE
- 86 This instantNOW
- 87 Model’s stancePOSE
- 88 Sound of Music composerRODGERS
- 90 Central partCORE
- 91 Nonsensical talkTRIPE
- 93 Stir-fry stapleTOFU
- 95 Texter’s guffawLOL
- 96 Word-of-mouthORAL
- 97 Audio cassette contemporaryEIGHTTRACKTAPE
- 102 Source of shadeELM
- 104 Portions of pistachioSCOOPS
- 105 Broadband communications standard: Abbr.LTE
- 106 Mexican’s male palAMIGO
- 110 Meeting of mindsACCORD
- 112 Indigenous New ZealanderMAORI
- 114 DepletedUSEDUP
- 115 Pantomime danceHULA
- 116 London’s White HouseTENDOWNINGSTREET
- 120 Venerated personIDOL
- 121 FollowsENSUES
- 122 Keatsian creationsODES
- 123 Theatrical groupCAST
- 124 Oceanic motionTIDE
- 125 Antlered animalsSTAGS
- 126 ColoristDYER
- 127 Petro-Canada competitorESSO
- 1 Opposite of infra-ULTRA
- 2 Crew team memberROWER
- 3 Be very fond ofADORE
- 4 Picnic beverageLEMONADE
- 5 Fermented beverageWINE
- 6 Simpsons storekeeperAPU
- 7 Choral music abbr.SATB
- 8 It means “false”PSEUDO
- 9 Miniature racerKART
- 10 Bouquet holderURN
- 11 Song licensing org.BMI
- 12 Movie statLENGTH
- 13 Life of Pi directorANGLEE
- 14 Short-distance transportSHUTTLE
- 15 Undercover copNARC
- 16 Comic strip shoutARGH
- 17 Profit pool metaphorPIE
- 20 Coven’s kettleCALDRON
- 23 VidiISAW
- 24 Nintendo gaming consoleWIIU
- 29 DeduceINFER
- 32 __ Park (Pirates’ stadium)PNC
- 33 Shortstop or quarterbackATHLETE
- 35 Far from ambitiousLAZY
- 36 Exclusion anxiety, for shortFOMO
- 37 Arles affirmativeOUI
- 38 Triple-tiered snackOREO
- 39 Overly smooth-talkingOILY
- 40 Bout arbitersREFS
- 41 Software previewBETA
- 42 Porous gemstoneOPAL
- 43 Construction toysLEGOS
- 45 Milk amt.GAL
- 50 CleverBRAINY
- 51 Valhalla VIPODIN
- 53 Stylist’s applianceIRON
- 54 Avidly eagerAGOG
- 57 Long skirtMAXI
- 58 Miner’s activityBORING
- 59 Natural inclinationBENT
- 61 Shorts supportsHIPS
- 63 Orthodontist’s designationDDS
- 65 EnumerateLIST
- 67 Final pharaoh, familiarlyCLEO
- 68 Strong cravingsYENS
- 69 Affectionate touchLOVETAP
- 70 __ out a living (just got by)EKED
- 71 MisjudgmentERROR
- 75 Subtle glowAURA
- 76 Citrus coverPEEL
- 77 Poker ritualANTE
- 78 “Me neither”NORI
- 79 Bit of kindlingTWIG
- 82 Removal instructionDELE
- 83 Sold-out signSRO
- 84 Atlas dotISLE
- 87 Chain that welcomes dogsPETCO
- 88 Erstwhile DC stadiumRFK
- 89 Makes illegalOUTLAWS
- 90 The business of businessCOMMERCE
- 92 Acidity measuring systemPHSCALE
- 94 ROTC relativeOCS
- 98 Rich layer cakesTORTES
- 99 Squirrel, e.g.RODENT
- 100 Like __ of bricksATON
- 101 EraPERIOD
- 103 Have durabilityLAST
- 107 Food for thoughtIDEAS
- 108 ConjectureGUESS
- 109 Decide you willOPTTO
- 110 German autoAUDI
- 111 Oafish personCLOD
- 112 Simpsons tavernMOES
- 113 Late May raceINDY
- 114 KGB organizerUSSR
- 115 Visit to a webpageHIT
- 117 Code-breaking org.NSA
- 118 Worked a mineDUG
- 119 Shout of surpriseGEE