Newsday Crossword Answers March 17 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Cities with harborsPORTS
- 6 Business TV channelCNBC
- 10 Minor errorSLIP
- 14 Take __ (disassemble)APART
- 15 Prefix for chute of medicPARA
- 16 Bike wheelTIRE
- 17 “Lumps” that sweeten coffeeSUGARCUBES
- 19 Plant’s underground portionROOT
- 20 Brown photo tintSEPIA
- 21 Got into a chairSAT
- 22 Rural hotelsINNS
- 23 Shun sociallySNUB
- 25 Sound of a leaky faucetDRIP
- 27 Young boyLAD
- 30 Dairy drink portion that might be “skim”GLASSOFMILK
- 35 Without any warrantyASIS
- 37 Family reunion groupKIN
- 38 Hairdresser’s shopSALON
- 39 Spreadsheet number, for shortSTAT
- 40 Theater platformSTAGE
- 43 Lo-cal, on labelsLITE
- 44 Ten Commandments mountainSINAI
- 46 Transmit by phone lineFAX
- 47 Not on timeLATE
- 48 Citrus drinkORANGEJUICE
- 52 Hair arrangements, for shortDOS
- 53 All finishedDONE
- 54 Surf and __ (seafood/beef dinner)TURF
- 56 Furniture that seats threeSOFA
- 59 Ocean east of Florida: Abbr.ATL
- 61 Dinner course with lettuceSALAD
- 64 Higher thanOVER
- 65 Topping for pancakesMAPLESYRUP
- 68 Homeowner’s documentDEED
- 69 Frozen waffle brandEGGO
- 70 Person diningEATER
- 71 Hill-building insectsANTS
- 72 __ year (2024 or 2028)LEAP
- 73 Flair for fashionSTYLE
- 1 Fathers, informallyPAS
- 2 Numbered musical workOPUS
- 3 Be furiousRAGE
- 4 Mouse-catching devicesTRAPS
- 5 Thin cordSTRING
- 6 Computer’s “brain”: Abbr.CPU
- 7 Catches, as a criminalNABS
- 8 Bakery loavesBREADS
- 9 Fidel of CubaCASTRO
- 10 Suburban lineup of storesSTRIPMALL
- 11 Roaring big catLION
- 12 Metal in barbellsIRON
- 13 Canaries and colliesPETS
- 18 Sealants around windowsCAULKS
- 24 Angler’s wormBAIT
- 26 “No __, ands, or buts!”IFS
- 27 Rodeo ropeLASSO
- 28 Just waking upASTIR
- 29 Prince William’s motherDIANA
- 31 Major malfunctionSNAFU
- 32 Trojan War epic poemILIAD
- 33 State-run numbers gameLOTTO
- 34 Joints of legsKNEES
- 36 Ethical normsSTANDARDS
- 41 Trot or gallopGAIT
- 42 Forgive, as an absenceEXCUSE
- 45 “Where did __ wrong?”IGO
- 49 Tooth’s outer layerENAMEL
- 50 Period since fast planes first took offJETAGE
- 51 Removes pencil marksERASES
- 55 Lunge towardsFLYAT
- 56 Ginger ale or colaSODA
- 57 Appliance for bakingOVEN
- 58 What shoes surroundFEET
- 60 Group of women paid to putt: Abbr.LPGA
- 62 Showily imitativeARTY
- 63 Fencing contestDUEL
- 66 Cut (off), as branchesLOP
- 67 __-K (school for toddlers)PRE