Newsday Crossword Answers March 21 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Friday’s puzzle was created by S.N., edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Architectural topperSPIRE
- 6 Got inCAME
- 10 Digital wallet no.ACCT
- 14 Brought upCITED
- 15 Some of the first TVsRCAS
- 16 Unhappy lookMOUE
- 17 Change, part 1HEADSHEATSSEATS
- 20 Search deliveriesURLS
- 21 Do withoutOMIT
- 22 DarkenedUNLIT
- 23 Mister in IndiaSRI
- 24 Informal reversalUIE
- 25 Eye-level organEAR
- 27 Medieval century enderMCC
- 28 Change, part 2SEALSSELLS
- 31 River at YumaGILA
- 32 ExpendituresOUTGO
- 33 Dramatic excerptsSCENES
- 35 Foil giantALCOA
- 38 Locker localeGYM
- 40 Hershey contemporaryREESE
- 41 Play the piccoloTOOTLE
- 43 Exodus spokesmanAARON
- 45 Pantry itemsTINS
- 46 Change, part 3CELLSCALLS
- 51 NASA’s six-person orbiterISS
- 52 Small portion of an auroraION
- 53 GM’s Bolts, e.g.CVS
- 54 Exhibit excitementOOH
- 55 Informed, with “in”CLUED
- 57 Agricultural concernCROP
- 59 Pantomime performanceHULA
- 60 Change, part 4FALLSFAILSTAILS
- 63 It means “averse to”ANTI
- 64 Car radio choicesAMFM
- 65 Cartographic closeupINSET
- 66 Ending like -acityNESS
- 67 Top spotAPEX
- 68 Cantina’s “roasted”ASADA
- 1 Go downhill fastSCHUSS
- 2 Capital on the MissouriPIERRE
- 3 Patria di PavarottiITALIA
- 4 Carmine’s close relativesREDS
- 5 Paper cutters, in briefEDS
- 6 Cadbury confectionCREMEEGG
- 7 Palm productACAI
- 8 Barbie beneficiaryMATTEL
- 9 Curtain hook shapeESS
- 10 Last word of RevelationAMEN
- 11 Canary’s metaphorical placeCOALMINE
- 12 Manicurist’s concernCUTICLES
- 13 Potential precedentTESTCASE
- 18 Run up the flagpoleHOIST
- 19 Opposite of norteSUR
- 24 UnsurprisingUSUAL
- 26 Nativity figureASS
- 29 Steals fromLOOTS
- 30 DevotedLOYAL
- 31 Oscar nominee as ThelmaGEENA
- 34 Swimmers in swampsCROCS
- 35 Home coolerATTICFAN
- 36 Comics bride of the ’90sLOISLANE
- 37 Seeks assistance fromCONSULTS
- 39 He met Dr. King in ’64MALCOLMX
- 42 Environmentally consciousECO
- 44 Host’s emails, perhapsRSVPS
- 47 Turn in outdoorsENCAMP
- 48 Friend of Ralph Waldo and Henry DavidLOUISA
- 49 Did nothingLOLLED
- 50 Cascade Range peakSHASTA
- 52 Holders of many photosIDS
- 56 Collegians wearing Y’sELIS
- 58 AboundingRIFE
- 59 German JohnnyHANS
- 61 Transportation Dept. agencyFAA
- 62 Ricardo’s relativeTIA