Newsday Crossword Answers March 24 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Monday’s puzzle was created by Sally R. Stein, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Historical periodsERAS
- 5 Thick sliceSLAB
- 9 Quick scissor cutsSNIPS
- 14 100%, as goldPURE
- 15 Brief office noteMEMO
- 16 __ congestion (cold symptom)NASAL
- 17 “That’s clear to me now”ISEE
- 18 Eve and Adam’s homeEDEN
- 19 Theater walkwayAISLE
- 20 Sparkling French wineCHAMPAGNE
- 22 Decorative featherPLUME
- 23 Metallic rockORE
- 24 Most ready to harvestRIPEST
- 25 Nutmeg and currySPICES
- 29 88-key instrumentPIANO
- 31 AviatorPILOT
- 32 Working hardBUSY
- 33 Package of breadLOAF
- 37 Capital of NorwayOSLO
- 38 Gets cash forSELLS
- 39 Helpful facts, for shortINFO
- 40 Any chore to be doneTASK
- 41 __ and hearty (healthy)HALE
- 42 Film industry awardOSCAR
- 43 Smartphone app symbolsICONS
- 45 Shape of a globeSPHERE
- 46 Small fish used as baitMINNOW
- 49 Sailor’s assentAYE
- 50 Wise maximADAGE
- 51 Protective liquid for the beachSUNSCREEN
- 57 Car’s engineMOTOR
- 58 “What’s __ for me?”INIT
- 59 Coupe or convertibleAUTO
- 60 Playful prankANTIC
- 61 Stand upRISE
- 62 Sandy golf hazardTRAP
- 63 Flair for fashionSTYLE
- 64 Flower stalkSTEM
- 65 Bottom of a bootSOLE
- 1 Long, heroic storyEPIC
- 2 Hurry upRUSH
- 3 VicinityAREA
- 4 Appear to beSEEM
- 5 Makeup smudgesSMEARS
- 6 Narrow shelfLEDGE
- 7 Prayer-ending wordAMEN
- 8 Dog biscuit shapeBONE
- 9 Fasten with a clickSNAPIN
- 10 Manicurist’s coloringNAILPOLISH
- 11 Magazine editionISSUE
- 12 Coconut treesPALMS
- 13 Frozen rainSLEET
- 21 Writer of versesPOET
- 24 Light beamsRAYS
- 25 Leopard markingSPOT
- 26 Leaning Tower cityPISA
- 27 AdversitiesILLS
- 28 Liquid for fryingCOOKINGOIL
- 29 Tugs onPULLS
- 30 Speck of land in a seaISLE
- 32 String __ (green veggie)BEAN
- 34 Just a single timeONCE
- 35 A long way awayAFAR
- 36 Golfer’s shoutFORE
- 38 DemonstrateSHOW
- 42 Fuel cartelOPEC
- 44 Compel by forceCOERCE
- 45 Methodical procedureSYSTEM
- 46 Female parents, informallyMAMAS
- 47 “__ think so” (polite refusal)IDONT
- 48 Well-dressedNATTY
- 49 Licorice-flavored herbANISE
- 51 Galahad and LancelotSIRS
- 52 __ of measure (quart or pound)UNIT
- 53 Long-tailed rodentsRATS
- 54 Money in FranceEURO
- 55 And others: Abbr.ETAL
- 56 Informal refusalNOPE