Newsday Crossword Answers March 25 2025 were just recently published entirely solved for our dear readers. This Tuesday’s puzzle was created by Billie Truitt, edited by Stanley Newman the puzzle dimensions are 15 by 15.
Newsday reveals a new puzzle every day and they are of course free to play, you simply have to wait for the ads to load then play the puzzle. Answers are always posted here.
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- 1 Toddler’s dinner wearBIB
- 4 Corncob’s coveringHUSK
- 8 Fragment of paperSCRAP
- 13 __ colada cocktailPINA
- 14 “Help __ the way!”ISON
- 15 Without helpALONE
- 16 Sports cable channelESPN
- 17 Sandwich shopDELI
- 18 Droops in the heat, as flowersWILTS
- 19 Early stage of a manuscriptROUGHDRAFT
- 22 Be introduced toMEET
- 23 By the deadlineINTIME
- 24 Back-to-health program, for shortREHAB
- 26 Any prohibited thingNONO
- 28 Profit potentialUPSIDE
- 32 Police dept. rankSGT
- 34 “I can answer that for you”ASKME
- 37 Violinist’s stickBOW
- 42 Tip of a sockTOE
- 43 Painter’s standEASEL
- 44 Had supperATE
- 45 Story told in segmentsSERIAL
- 47 Church benchesPEWS
- 50 Screen legend GarboGRETA
- 53 Leave undisturbed, as “sleeping dogs”LETLIE
- 57 Grassy yardLAWN
- 60 Fresh surge of energySECONDWIND
- 62 Workers’ groupUNION
- 64 Spiced tea of IndiaCHAI
- 65 Up to a taskABLE
- 66 Any bookstore categoryGENRE
- 67 Trumpet or bugleHORN
- 68 TV host SeacrestRYAN
- 69 Sugary-tastingSWEET
- 70 Just adequateSOSO
- 71 Wall calendar boxDAY
- 1 American buffaloBISON
- 2 Enter, as dataINPUT
- 3 Collide withBANGINTO
- 4 ConcealedHIDDEN
- 5 Software customerUSER
- 6 Powered by sunlightSOLAR
- 7 Steak-cutting utensilKNIFE
- 8 Tool with teethSAW
- 9 Ascends a mountainCLIMBS
- 10 Actor’s partROLE
- 11 Initial poker throw-inANTE
- 12 NuisancePEST
- 13 “Submarine” prefix for scopePERI
- 20 Med. care groupHMO
- 21 Hitchhiker’s fingerTHUMB
- 25 CopycatAPER
- 27 Meal for a mareOATS
- 29 “A likely story!”IBET
- 30 Take a napDOZE
- 31 Lamb’s motherEWE
- 32 Place for a laceSHOE
- 33 “Attendee” suffix for movieGOER
- 35 “He said, __ said”SHE
- 36 Brown seaweedKELP
- 38 Roads that may cross aves.STS
- 39 Rip (apart)TEAR
- 40 Reduced-price eventsSALES
- 41 Toward the rising sunEASTWARD
- 46 Pay no attention toIGNORE
- 48 Climate-affecting currentELNINO
- 49 Get marriedWED
- 51 Computer repairers, for shortTECHS
- 52 Sneeze soundACHOO
- 54 Neighbor of EgyptLIBYA
- 55 Embedded decorationINLAY
- 56 Garden of __EDEN
- 57 Carries with difficultyLUGS
- 58 All over againANEW
- 59 Corked beverageWINE
- 61 Rowboat polesOARS
- 63 After-tax amountNET