Tear to shreds Crossword Clue
Tear to shreds Crossword Clue Answer for Newsday Crossword. First appeared on January 14, 2023, this clue might have reappeared again with a different answer by the time you read this article. So if the first answer on the answers list does not solve your clue then try the second or the third one. Generally the latest answer on the list is the solution of the clue.
The Answer:
The latest puzzle of Newsday Crossword is that of Newsday March 9 2025. If you need help with other clues please refer to that link and you will find all the solutions sorted by their oder of appearance on the puzzle grid. For other puzzles you can to go the homepage and there you will find older ones, if you missed any.
Tap the buttons below for more Across or Down Clues. Each clue has the number on the left so you can find quickly.
- 1 Pill variety"CAPLET" c="Pill variety" n="1" cn
- 7 Choral participant"ALTO" c="Choral participant" n="8" cn
- 11 "It follows that..."" nERGO" c="%22It follows that...%22" n="13" cn=
- 15 Perform, as a 7-Across" nSING" c="Perform, as a 7-Across" n="18" cn=
- 19 Macabre film family surname"ADDAMS" c="Macabre film family surname" n="22" cn=
- 20 Make a reservation" nBOOK" c="Make a reservation" n="29" cn=
- 21 When morning ends" nNOON" c="When morning ends" n="34" cn=
- 22 Dutch cheese" nEDAM" c="Dutch cheese" n="39" cn=
- 23 Spheres in the sinkSOAPBUBBLES" c="Spheres in the sink" n="43" cn=
- 25 Cones in quaint classrooms"DUNCECAPS" c="Cones in quaint classrooms" n="55" cn
- 27 Stories in installments"SERIALS" c="Stories in installments" n="67" cn
- 28 Flip-flop sandals, bug spray, etc."SUNGEAR" c="Flip-flop sandals, bug spray, etc." n="75" cn
- 29 Sealed a deal"ICEDIT" c="Sealed a deal" n="86" cn
- 31 Poets of yore"BARDS" c="Poets of yore" n="95" cn
- 32 Gain access to"GETAT" c="Gain access to" n="101" cn
- 36 Hardwood tree" n=ASH" c="Hardwood tree" n="106" cn
- 37 Condiment source"SALTMINE" c="Condiment source" n="111" cn
- 41 Zodiaco bovine"ELTORO" c="Zodiaco bovine" n="121" cn
- 42 Engineering details"SPECS" c="Engineering details" n="127" cn
- 45 No longer Little League-eligible"TOOOLD" c="No longer Little League-eligible" n="133" cn
- 46 Honey factory" nHIVE" c="Honey factory" n="140" cn
- 48 Former NBC owner" n=RCA" c="Former NBC owner" n="145" cn
- 49 World Cup sport"SOCCER" c="World Cup sport" n="148" cn
- 51 Pentagons in ballparks"HOMEPLATES" c="Pentagons in ballparks" n="155" cn
- 53 Prof.'s aides" n=TAS" c="Prof.%27s aides" n="166" cn
- 54 Invites for"ASKSTO" c="Invites for" n="169" cn
- 55 S&L dispenser" n=ATM" c="S%26L dispenser" n="176" cn
- 56 Pipe joint shapes" nELLS" c="Pipe joint shapes" n="181" cn
- 57 Slight amount" nHINT" c="Slight amount" n="186" cn
- 58 "__-haw!" (cowpoke shout)" n=YEE" c="%22__-haw!%22 (cowpoke shout)" n="190" cn
- 59 IRS guys" nTMEN" c="IRS guys" n="194" cn
- 61 "It's okay with me""IMCOOL" c="%22It%27s okay with me%22" n="199" cn
- 64 Footprint producers"SOLES" c="Footprint producers" n="206" cn
- 65 Ostrich cousins"RHEAS" c="Ostrich cousins" n="213" cn
- 67 Boyfriends"BEAUS" c="Boyfriends" n="219" cn
- 68 Wooden rod"DOWEL" c="Wooden rod" n="225" cn
- 70 Saturate (with)"IMBUE" c="Saturate (with)" n="232" cn
- 72 Room for a broom"CLOSET" c="Room for a broom" n="238" cn
- 74 Off-white shade" nBONE" c="Off-white shade" n="245" cn
- 75 Standout pilot" n=ACE" c="Standout pilot" n="250" cn
- 78 Adverse fate" nDOOM" c="Adverse fate" n="253" cn
- 79 Marvin of Motown" nGAYE" c="Marvin of Motown" n="258" cn
- 80 Debt document" n=IOU" c="Debt document" n="264" cn
- 82 Slow-motion martial art"TAICHI" c="Slow-motion martial art" n="268" cn
- 84 Tax-deferred acronym" n=IRA" c="Tax-deferred acronym" n="274" cn
- 85 Rectangles in libraries"PAPERBACKS" c="Rectangles in libraries" n="278" cn
- 88 Corsage flower"ORCHID" c="Corsage flower" n="289" cn
- 89 "__ the land of the free..."" n=OER" c="%22__ the land of the free...%22" n="295" cn
- 90 Mars alias" nARES" c="Mars alias" n="299" cn
- 91 More lubricated"OILIER" c="More lubricated" n="304" cn
- 93 Excel"SHINE" c="Excel" n="311" cn
- 94 Fill-in-the-blank party story"MADLIB" c="Fill-in-the-blank party story" n="316" cn
- 96 Mutually approves"AGREESON" c="Mutually approves" n="324" cn
- 98 Apiece" n=PER" c="Apiece" n="334" cn
- 99 Popular female boomer name"SUSAN" c="Popular female boomer name" n="337" cn
- 100 French literature Nobelist" nCAMUS" c="French literature Nobelist" n="343" cn=
- 102 Emulate wagon trains"GOWEST" c="Emulate wagon trains" n="351" cn=
- 105 Turn your attention elsewhere"REFOCUS" c="Turn your attention elsewhere" n="361" cn=
- 107 Rolled-up Mexican food"FLAUTAS" c="Rolled-up Mexican food" n="369" cn=
- 110 Cylinders in bands"BASSDRUMS" c="Cylinders in bands" n="379" cn=
- 113 Circles in text messages"SMILEYFACES" c="Circles in text messages" n="389" cn=
- 117 Small, sweet sandwich" n=OREO" c="Small, sweet sandwich" n="400" cn=
- 118 Sporting sword" n=EPEE" c="Sporting sword" n="405" cn=
- 119 Reduce to rubble" n=RAZE" c="Reduce to rubble" n="410" cn=
- 120 Harder to grasp"EELIER" c="Harder to grasp" n="415" cn=
- 121 Hymn's last word" n=AMEN" c="Hymn%27s last word" n="421" cn=
- 122 Thomas Hardy girl" n=TESS" c="Thomas Hardy girl" n="426" cn=
- 123 Trojan War hero" n=AJAX" c="Trojan War hero" n="431" cn=
- 124 Jurassic Park predators"TREXES" c="Jurassic Park predators" n="436" cn=
- 1 __ in "crossword""CAS" c="__ in %22crossword%22" n="1" cn
- 2 Excessive fuss"ADO" c="Excessive fuss" n="2" cn
- 3 Smartphone precursor: Abbr."PDA" c="Smartphone precursor: Abbr." n="3" cn
- 4 Memory mishap"LAPSE" c="Memory mishap" n="4" cn
- 5 Plant deeply"EMBED" c="Plant deeply" n="5" cn
- 6 Woe, from the Yiddish"TSURIS" c="Woe, from the Yiddish" n="6" cn
- 7 Swedish supergroup"ABBA" c="Swedish supergroup" n="8" cn
- 8 Laze about"LOLL" c="Laze about" n="9" cn
- 9 What sandals lack"TOES" c="What sandals lack" n="10" cn
- 10 Gives approval for" nOKS" c="Gives approval for" n="11" cn
- 11 Withstand"ENDURE" c="Withstand" n="13" cn
- 12 Beers for everybody"ROUND" c="Beers for everybody" n="14" cn
- 13 Fire bells"GONGS" c="Fire bells" n="15" cn
- 14 Fairy tale starter"ONCE" c="Fairy tale starter" n="16" cn
- 15 Hush-hush"SECRET" c="Hush-hush" n="18" cn
- 16 State bordering BC" nIDA" c="State bordering BC" n="19" cn
- 17 Short sleep" nNAP" c="Short sleep" n="20" cn
- 18 Pro sports team VIPs" nGMS" c="Pro sports team VIPs" n="21" cn
- 24 Tried to nip"BITAT" c="Tried to nip" n="49" cn
- 26 Top-level Boy Scouts"EAGLES" c="Top-level Boy Scouts" n="59" cn
- 28 Wall Street index, for short"SANDP" c="Wall Street index, for short" n="75" cn
- 29 "Guess so""ISPOSE" c="%22Guess so%22" n="86" cn
- 30 Squares on park tabCHECKERBOARDS" c="Squares on park tables" n="87" cn
- 31 Bad temper"BILE" c="Bad temper" n="95" cn
- 33 Triangles at partiTORTILLACHIPS" c="Triangles at parties" n="103" cn
- 34 Esoteric"ARCANE" c="Esoteric" n="104" cn
- 35 Banquet tributes"TOASTS" c="Banquet tributes" n="105" cn
- 36 Ore examination"ASSAY" c="Ore examination" n="106" cn
- 38 Actress Lindsay"LOHAN" c="Actress Lindsay" n="113" cn
- 39 Trumpet sound" nTOOT" c="Trumpet sound" n="114" cn
- 40 Some preschool picker-uppers"MOMMIES" c="Some preschool picker-uppers" n="115" cn
- 41 Holiday preceders" nEVES" c="Holiday preceders" n="121" cn
- 43 Duplicate emails, briefly" n=CCS" c="Duplicate emails, briefly" n="130" cn
- 44 Small sofa"SETTEE" c="Small sofa" n="131" cn
- 46 Saintly light" nHALO" c="Saintly light" n="140" cn
- 47 "That's good enough""ITLLDO" c="%22That%27s good enough%22" n="141" cn
- 50 Tomato for paste" nROMA" c="Tomato for paste" n="153" cn
- 52 Most born in August" nLEOS" c="Most born in August" n="160" cn
- 57 Weed whacker" n=HOE" c="Weed whacker" n="186" cn
- 60 Avoid capture"ESCAPE" c="Avoid capture" n="196" cn
- 62 Astronaut Jemison" n=MAE" c="Astronaut Jemison" n="200" cn
- 63 What a fingernail tops"CUTICLE" c="What a fingernail tops" n="201" cn
- 64 Takes an oath"SWEARS" c="Takes an oath" n="206" cn
- 66 Low murmur" n=HUM" c="Low murmur" n="214" cn
- 67 Dutch South African" nBOER" c="Dutch South African" n="219" cn
- 69 Not fooled by" nONTO" c="Not fooled by" n="226" cn
- 70 Nonliteral phrases"IDIOMS" c="Nonliteral phrases" n="232" cn
- 71 Wells scientist"MOREAU" c="Wells scientist" n="233" cn
- 73 Caustic cleaners" nLYES" c="Caustic cleaners" n="239" cn
- 74 Transports for tours"BUSES" c="Transports for tours" n="245" cn
- 76 Disposable dish brand"CHINET" c="Disposable dish brand" n="251" cn
- 77 Large sea duck"EIDER" c="Large sea duck" n="252" cn
- 79 Attire" nGARB" c="Attire" n="258" cn
- 81 Sooner State native" nOKIE" c="Sooner State native" n="265" cn
- 83 I, as in Austria" n=ICH" c="I, as in Austria" n="270" cn
- 85 Distressed"PAINED" c="Distressed" n="278" cn
- 86 Not authentic"BOGUS" c="Not authentic" n="283" cn
- 87 Puts on TV" nAIRS" c="Puts on TV" n="284" cn
- 92 Scoundrel"ROGUE" c="Scoundrel" n="309" cn
- 95 The Far Side cartoonist"LARSON" c="The Far Side cartoonist" n="319" cn
- 96 Keeps entertained"AMUSES" c="Keeps entertained" n="324" cn
- 97 Sometime later"NOTYET" c="Sometime later" n="331" cn
- 100 Two-door car" nCOUPE" c="Two-door car" n="343" cn=
- 101 Summits" nACMES" c="Summits" n="344" cn=
- 103 Thin cookie" nWAFER" c="Thin cookie" n="353" cn=
- 104 Online purchase" nESALE" c="Online purchase" n="354" cn=
- 106 Worry (over)" n=FRET" c="Worry (over)" n="363" cn=
- 107 One-flat scale, for short" n=FMAJ" c="One-flat scale, for short" n="369" cn=
- 108 Musical Minnelli" n=LIZA" c="Musical Minnelli" n="370" cn=
- 109 Nickname like Sandy" n=ALEX" c="Nickname like Sandy" n="371" cn=
- 110 Tropical snake" n="BOA" c="Tropical snake" n="379" cn=
- 111 Sleeve filler" n="ARM" c="Sleeve filler" n="380" cn=
- 112 Comprehend" n="SEE" c="Comprehend" n="381" cn=
- 113 Mme., in Madrid" n="SRA" c="Mme., in Madrid" n="389" cn=
- 114 109, to Julius Caesar" n="CIX" c="109, to Julius Caesar" n="397" cn=
- 115 Wide shoe" n="EEE" c="Wide shoe" n="398" cn=
- 116 SAT takers" n="SRS" c="SAT takers" n="399" cn=