TV call-in fundraiser Crossword Clue
TV call-in fundraiser Crossword Clue Answer for Newsday Crossword. First appeared on January 14, 2023, this clue might have reappeared again with a different answer by the time you read this article. So if the first answer on the answers list does not solve your clue then try the second or the third one. Generally the latest answer on the list is the solution of the clue.
The Answer:
The latest puzzle of Newsday Crossword is that of Newsday January 12 2025. If you need help with other clues please refer to that link and you will find all the solutions sorted by their oder of appearance on the puzzle grid. For other puzzles you can to go the homepage and there you will find older ones, if you missed any.
Tap the buttons below for more Across or Down Clues. Each clue has the number on the left so you can find quickly.
- 1 Organic bandage"SCAB" c="Organic bandage" n="1" cn
- 5 What Sarasota is south of"TAMPA" c="What Sarasota is south of" n="6" cn
- 10 Slide on sleet" nSKID" c="Slide on sleet" n="12" cn=
- 14 Brother of George W." n=JEB" c="Brother of George W." n="19" cn=
- 17 Folk singer Guthrie" nARLO" c="Folk singer Guthrie" n="22" cn=
- 18 Fencing swords"EPEES" c="Fencing swords" n="27" cn=
- 19 __ colada" nPINA" c="__ colada" n="33" cn=
- 20 Doggie biscuit shape" nBONE" c="Doggie biscuit shape" n="39" cn=
- 21 Be very careful not to ofWALKONEGGSHELLS" c="Be very careful not to offend" n="43" cn=
- 24 Baseball great Wade"BOGGS" c="Baseball great Wade" n="59" cn
- 25 Barbell abbr." nLBS" c="Barbell abbr." n="64" cn
- 26 Dozes (off)"NODS" c="Dozes (off)" n="68" cn
- 27 Choir woman"ALTO" c="Choir woman" n="74" cn
- 28 Dabble in"PLAYAT" c="Dabble in" n="79" cn
- 29 Any menu listing"OPTION" c="Any menu listing" n="85" cn
- 31 British noble"EARL" c="British noble" n="93" cn
- 33 Nine-__ battery"VOLT" c="Nine-__ battery" n="98" cn
- 35 Poet's sphere" n=ORB" c="Poet%27s sphere" n="103" cn
- 36 Capricorn's symbol" nGOAT" c="Capricorn%27s symbol" n="106" cn
- 37 Doctor's orders, briefly"SCRIPS" c="Doctor%27s orders, briefly" n="112" cn
- 39 Historic period" n=ERA" c="Historic period" n="119" cn
- 40 Twisty-horned antelope" nKUDU" c="Twisty-horned antelope" n="123" cn
- 41 Very long car, for shortSTRETCHLIMO" c="Very long car, for short" n="127" cn
- 44 Seeing red"ANGERED" c="Seeing red" n="141" cn
- 46 Zealots"MANIACS" c="Zealots" n="151" cn
- 47 Classification with the same genus and species names"TAUTONYM" c="Classification with the same genus and species names" n="159" cn
- 50 Tic-__-toe" n=TAC" c="Tic-__-toe" n="169" cn
- 53 Temporary tattoo dye"HENNA" c="Temporary tattoo dye" n="173" cn
- 54 Stallone commando"RAMBO" c="Stallone commando" n="179" cn
- 55 Personal motto"CREDO" c="Personal motto" n="185" cn
- 58 Interrogative assent"WHYNOT" c="Interrogative assent" n="190" cn
- 60 Basket material"OSIER" c="Basket material" n="200" cn
- 61 Foreshadowing" nOMEN" c="Foreshadowing" n="207" cn
- 62 Host a roast"EMCEE" c="Host a roast" n="211" cn
- 63 Clothesline alternative"TUMBLEDRY" c="Clothesline alternative" n="217" cn
- 67 Medicinal plants"ALOES" c="Medicinal plants" n="227" cn
- 68 Job-related move" nRELO" c="Job-related move" n="232" cn
- 69 Train track beam"IRAIL" c="Train track beam" n="238" cn
- 70 Capital on the Missouri"PIERRE" c="Capital on the Missouri" n="247" cn
- 71 Idyllic spots"EDENS" c="Idyllic spots" n="253" cn
- 73 Fine sprays"MISTS" c="Fine sprays" n="259" cn
- 74 Drag racing fuel"NITRO" c="Drag racing fuel" n="265" cn
- 77 Even so" n=YET" c="Even so" n="271" cn
- 78 Sturdy places to work"OAKDESKS" c="Sturdy places to work" n="276" cn
- 80 Sci-fi smuggler hero"HANSOLO" c="Sci-fi smuggler hero" n="285" cn
- 82 Sentimental people"SOFTIES" c="Sentimental people" n="295" cn
- 84 Make the slightest effortLIFTAFINGER" c="Make the slightest effort" n="305" cn
- 88 Green Gables girl" nANNE" c="Green Gables girl" n="316" cn
- 89 Brit gent" n=GUV" c="Brit gent" n="321" cn
- 91 Corporate coach"MENTOR" c="Corporate coach" n="325" cn
- 92 Unpartnered" nLONE" c="Unpartnered" n="333" cn
- 93 Nero's caviar" n=OVA" c="Nero%27s caviar" n="337" cn
- 94 Spanish snack" nTAPA" c="Spanish snack" n="341" cn
- 95 When tripled, "et cetera"" nYADA" c="When tripled, %22et cetera%22" n="346" cn
- 96 Nissan rival"TOYOTA" c="Nissan rival" n="352" cn
- 98 Mongol invaders"TATARS" c="Mongol invaders" n="358" cn
- 100 Nutmeg St." n=CONN" c="Nutmeg St." n="365" cn=
- 102 Exchange verbal jabs" n=SPAR" c="Exchange verbal jabs" n="371" cn=
- 104 Md. neighbor" n="DEL" c="Md. neighbor" n="376" cn=
- 105 Nero's 114-Across pair" nOCULI" c="Nero%27s 114-Across pair" n="379" cn=
- 106 Be feverRUNATEMPERATURE" c="Be feverish" n="385" cn=
- 110 Farmyard female" n=MARE" c="Farmyard female" n="400" cn=
- 111 Others of that kind" n=SUCH" c="Others of that kind" n="406" cn=
- 112 Beers for everyone" nROUND" c="Beers for everyone" n="411" cn=
- 113 Sale advisory" n=ASIS" c="Sale advisory" n="417" cn=
- 114 Sensory organ" n="EYE" c="Sensory organ" n="421" cn=
- 115 Iowa State's city" n=AMES" c="Iowa State%27s city" n="427" cn=
- 116 Junior's nickname, perhaps" nSONNY" c="Junior%27s nickname, perhaps" n="432" cn=
- 117 Small measure of progress" n=DENT" c="Small measure of progress" n="438" cn=
- 1 Snooze loudly"SAWLOGS" c="Snooze loudly" n="1" cn
- 2 Crustacean catcher"CRABPOT" c="Crustacean catcher" n="2" cn
- 3 Top athlete"ALLSTAR" c="Top athlete" n="3" cn
- 4 __ choy (Chinese cabbage)"BOK" c="__ choy (Chinese cabbage)" n="4" cn
- 5 Carpentry joint"TENON" c="Carpentry joint" n="6" cn
- 6 Emulated"APED" c="Emulated" n="7" cn
- 7 Hard drive measures"MEGS" c="Hard drive measures" n="8" cn
- 8 Tee, e.g."PEG" c="Tee, e.g." n="9" cn
- 9 Stubborn equine" nASS" c="Stubborn equine" n="10" cn
- 10 Wizard's work"SPELLS" c="Wizard%27s work" n="12" cn
- 11 Scottish skirt"KILT" c="Scottish skirt" n="13" cn
- 12 Very taken (with)"INLOVE" c="Very taken (with)" n="14" cn
- 13 Courtroom VIPs" nDAS" c="Courtroom VIPs" n="15" cn
- 14 What a reminder mightJOGYOURMEMORY" c="What a reminder might do" n="19" cn
- 15 Fencing phrase"ENGARDE" c="Fencing phrase" n="20" cn
- 16 Chum"BESTBUD" c="Chum" n="21" cn
- 20 Feathered wrap" nBOA" c="Feathered wrap" n="39" cn
- 22 John __ Lennon" nONO" c="John __ Lennon" n="47" cn
- 23 Winfrey's company"HARPO" c="Winfrey%27s company" n="53" cn
- 24 PBJ alternative" nBLT" c="PBJ alternative" n="59" cn
- 28 Dallas suburb"PLANO" c="Dallas suburb" n="79" cn
- 30 Short news piece"ITEM" c="Short news piece" n="88" cn
- 31 Author Jong"ERICA" c="Author Jong" n="93" cn
- 32 Objectives"AIMS" c="Objectives" n="94" cn
- 34 Public speaking skill"ORATORY" c="Public speaking skill" n="99" cn
- 37 Knee neighbor" nSHIN" c="Knee neighbor" n="112" cn
- 38 Reunion group" nCLAN" c="Reunion group" n="113" cn
- 40 Significant influence"KEYROLE" c="Significant influence" n="123" cn
- 42 Water near Carson City"TAHOE" c="Water near Carson City" n="131" cn
- 43 Tech news site" nCNET" c="Tech news site" n="132" cn
- 45 Health supplement chain" n=GNC" c="Health supplement chain" n="143" cn
- 47 Subdue with a zap" nTASE" c="Subdue with a zap" n="159" cn
- 48 In the center of" nAMID" c="In the center of" n="160" cn
- 49 Lyft competitor" nUBER" c="Lyft competitor" n="161" cn
- 50 Shakespearean contraction"TWERE" c="Shakespearean contraction" n="169" cn
- 51 Arabian Nights prince"AHMED" c="Arabian Nights prince" n="170" cn
- 52 How the planet renews itseCYCLEOFNATURE" c="How the planet renews itself" n="171" cn
- 54 Breadbasket contents"ROLLS" c="Breadbasket contents" n="179" cn
- 56 Farm equipment giant"DEERE" c="Farm equipment giant" n="188" cn
- 57 Get-go"ONSET" c="Get-go" n="189" cn
- 59 Newborn"NEONATE" c="Newborn" n="193" cn
- 63 "Pencils down""TIMESUP" c="%22Pencils down%22" n="217" cn
- 64 Exodus author" nURIS" c="Exodus author" n="218" cn
- 65 Goalie's wear" nMASK" c="Goalie%27s wear" n="219" cn
- 66 Morsels" nBITS" c="Morsels" n="220" cn
- 67 Garlicky mayo"AIOLI" c="Garlicky mayo" n="227" cn
- 70 Campus nickname" nPROF" c="Campus nickname" n="247" cn
- 72 Stick with a binding" n=SKI" c="Stick with a binding" n="257" cn
- 74 '90s commerce pact"NAFTA" c="%2790s commerce pact" n="265" cn
- 75 Enthusiastic about" nINTO" c="Enthusiastic about" n="266" cn
- 76 Bygone autocrat" nTSAR" c="Bygone autocrat" n="267" cn
- 79 French painter of dancers"DEGAS" c="French painter of dancers" n="279" cn
- 80 __ legs (quadruped's pair)" nHIND" c="__ legs (quadruped%27s pair)" n="285" cn
- 81 Nothing other than" nONLY" c="Nothing other than" n="291" cn
- 82 African island paired with Principe"SAOTOME" c="African island paired with Principe" n="295" cn
- 83 Chilling for days, say"ONVACAY" c="Chilling for days, say" n="296" cn
- 84 Tilted"LEANT" c="Tilted" n="305" cn
- 85 Beneficial application"GOODUSE" c="Beneficial application" n="313" cn
- 86 Participate"ENTERIN" c="Participate" n="314" cn
- 87 Most authentic"REALEST" c="Most authentic" n="315" cn
- 90 Outer space, essentially"VACUUM" c="Outer space, essentially" n="323" cn
- 91 Chatty birds"MYNAHS" c="Chatty birds" n="325" cn
- 94 Penta- minus two" n=TRI" c="Penta- minus two" n="341" cn
- 96 Not on time"TARDY" c="Not on time" n="352" cn
- 97 "... promise __ threat?"" n=ORA" c="%22... promise __ threat?%22" n="353" cn
- 99 Brewery product" n=ALE" c="Brewery product" n="361" cn
- 101 As soon as" n=ONCE" c="As soon as" n="366" cn=
- 102 Told, as a tale" n=SPUN" c="Told, as a tale" n="371" cn=
- 103 Ivy in Philly" n=PENN" c="Ivy in Philly" n="372" cn=
- 106 Where Mandela was pres." n="RSA" c="Where Mandela was pres." n="385" cn=
- 107 Medics' destinations" n="ERS" c="Medics%27 destinations" n="390" cn=
- 108 Bovine bellow" n="MOO" c="Bovine bellow" n="391" cn=
- 109 Smidgen" n="TAD" c="Smidgen" n="396" cn=